canadian healthcare quality improvement project examples
This program is effectively reducing the total cost of care. Please click here to see a diagram showing how we connect across the system to build a culture of quality. hbbd```b``["Hd," Connect projects with organization strategy. Here are some articles we suggest: Health Catalyst is a leading provider of data and analytics technology and services to healthcare organizations, committed to being the catalyst for massive, measurable, data-informed healthcare improvement. Last updated on: August 24th, 2022. Using the best available evidence, we identify opportunities and ways to improve care and patient care experiences. Other projects include the following: Restricting blood transfusions to only patients who unquestionably need them results in better outcomes for all patients. WebExcellence through Quality Improvement Project (EQIP) Health Links; Improving Patient Relations; QBP Connect; Quality Improvement and Health System Funding Reform; Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care; Quality Improvement in Primary Care; Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network; The Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Peer Learning Community Organized by topical area, this article provides dozens of useful examples of those projects as well as links that offer further details. By consistently integrating information from a readiness assessment, an opportunity analysis, and expert resources, the health system was able to establish a prioritization and implementation approach to outcomes improvement thatproduced the following results: The health system plans to continue identifying significant improvement opportunities aligned with its strategic planning cycle and the priorities identified by clinical and operational leadership. The Ottawa Hospital: Quality Improvement Plan Narrative (ENG) (PDF) The Ottawa Hospital: Work plan (PDF) Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Excellent Care for All Act. This article shares clinical, financial, and operational examples of quality improvement in healthcare that may help others as they tackle improvement projects. All rights reserved, Ensuring Quality Improvement Projects Deliver Return on Investment, Pharmacist-led Medication Therapy Management Reduces Total Cost of Care, Optimizing Sepsis Care Improves Early Recognition and Outcomes, Boosting Readiness and Change Competencies Key to Successfully Reducing Clinical Variation, Systematic, Data-Driven Approach Lowers Length of Stay and Improves Care Coordination, The Top Seven Healthcare Outcome Measures and Three Measurement Essentials, Six Steps Towards Meaningful, Ongoing Healthcare Performance Improvement, Becoming A Change Agent in Healthcare: The Key to Meaningful Improvement, Data-Informed MIPS Improvement Efforts Drive Improved Quality Scores and Increased Revenue, How to Accelerate Clinical Improvement Using Four Domains of Clinical Analytics. Examples of Quality Improvement Projects in Reducing Medical Errors, Medication Errors, and Adverse Drug Events; Examples of Quality Improvement Projects in Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections, Injuries, and Other Illnesses; Improving the Treatment of Sepsis; Examples of Quality Improvement Projects in the Continuity of Care For example never events, critical incidents, infections, access to inpatient care, and patient flow are tracked as they are identified. This article shares clinical, financial, and operational examples of quality improvement in healthcare that may help others as they tackle improvement projects. Access digital content about how data can empower informed decision making. Align campaigns, creative operations, and more. Other projects include the following: About 30 percent of patients at Boston Medical Center had limited English proficiency, and the hospital had no system to ensure that families had in-person language interpreters when doctors were making their daily rounds to check on patients in the hospitals pediatric ward. $2 million in cost savings, the result of decreased LOS and decreased utilization of supplies and medications. At the Ottawa Hospital, quality means delivering on all these elements. Meet the 350+ clients we serve, including ACOs, health systems, insurers, and more. This project is conducted by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and Ontario Medical Association, in collaboration with Health Quality Ontario and the Centre for Effective Practice. This committee sets, monitors and investigates quality and patient safety priorities. SJHH /Quality & Performance/Quality Improvement Plan. After the team instituted the improvements, sepsis rates at the hospital declined to half the national average. Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico performed a quality improvement project to improve how it processed complaints from its members about quality-of-care issues at health facilities. At a strategic level, quality and patient safety improvements are accountable to theJoint Boards of Governorsand its QualityCommittee. Weboffset: 0, // default Fiscal: View All 2022/23 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14. Watch videos about the digital future of healthcare, quality improvement, and much more. By adopting a systematic, data-driven, and multi-pronged approach, Memorial has achievedsignificant resultsin one year, including: Healthcare systems working to improve care, reduce expenses, and improve the patient experience face many challenges, including the need to align changes across many levels of an organization. Read More. WebQuality improvement is an ongoing process that helps us continually find new and better ways of doing things so that we can enhance care for patients, increase satisfaction and achieve even better clinical outcomes. The clinic had a four-month wait time for routine appointments. We work with our partners across Ontarios health system to build a culture of quality. The Ottawa Hospital: Quality Improvement Plan Narrative (ENG) (PDF) The Ottawa Hospital: Work plan (PDF) Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Excellent Care for All Act. WebExcellence through Quality Improvement Project (EQIP) Health Links; Improving Patient Relations; QBP Connect; Quality Improvement and Health System Funding Reform; Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care; Quality Improvement in Primary Care; Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network; The Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Peer Learning About one third of the residents of long-term care facilities transfer to a hospital every year many not able to communicate their medical needs. Quality and patient safety improvements are operationalized through Program and Department Quality Councils, through Safer Healthcare Now Teams, Accreditation Canada Teams, and other project specific teams. WebQuality Improvement Examples: Process-Specific Projects. Stay in-the-know about our newest programs, reports and news. Presentations to the QualityCommittee are made via WebEx, and meeting time is reserved for questions and answers. This article shares clinical, financial, and operational examples of quality improvement in healthcare that may help others as they tackle improvement projects. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a case study of a successful quality improvement project in an acute care hospital focused on reducing the time of the total patient visit in the emergency department. Other projects include the following: Blood pressure control reduces the chance of serious complications associated with diabetes. Work smarter and more efficiently by sharing information across platforms. Kate Eby. In order to thrive in an increasingly challenging healthcare environment, undertaking quality improvement projects is more important than ever for healthcare systems continued survival. 2023. QI projects are reactive and more focused on intervention. 1 percent relative reduction in mortality for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. The American College of Physicians offers some guidance on quality improvement projects, including a number of example projects that medical facilities throughout the U.S. could tackle. A literature review has been carried out since the first publication of Six Reminder: Masks are required everywhere in our hospital. WebExcellence through Quality Improvement Project (EQIP) Health Links; Improving Patient Relations; QBP Connect; Quality Improvement and Health System Funding Reform; Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care; Quality Improvement in Primary Care; Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network; The Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Peer Learning Use Medicares Hospital Compare data to track your organizations rates of vaccinations for influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. Regardless of where or how care is delivered, all teams are encouraged to c Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center worked on a quality improvement project to improve the process and allow for discharges soon after medical providers determine that patients are ready to be discharged. WebExcellence through Quality Improvement Project (EQIP) Health Links; Improving Patient Relations; QBP Connect; Quality Improvement and Health System Funding Reform; Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care; Quality Improvement in Primary Care; Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network; The Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Peer Learning Here are some excellent examples of effective, high-value quality improvement efforts. The Insights Into Quality Improvement report: Long-Term Care Impressions and Observations is based on the 2016/17 Quality Improvement Plan and highlights exceptional change ideas, emerging trends and lessons learned that can help organizations as they implement their quality improvement initiatives this year. To learn more about the Thibodaux quality improvement program, check out CQI in Healthcare: Principles, Process, and Tools.. 1. View our Privacy Policy. Other projects include the following: Identifying and managing pregnancy risks early in a womans pregnancy is vital for the health of the mother and unborn baby. 4 percent relative reduction in emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS) for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. This article will provide an overview of the quality improvement initiatives of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Calgary Health Region. Other projects include the following: A student-run, free health clinic at the University of South Florida worked on a quality improvement project to increase the efficiency of patient care. Beth Israel Medical Center At a corporate level SJHH also continues to focus on projects related to Safer Healthcare Now and TheJoint Boards of Governorsand Senior Leadership Team track key metrics using a Quarterly Big Dot and Mission Excellence Scorecard that focuses specifically on Patient Outcome Measures in the following Big Dot priority areas: The Medical Advisory Committee, Professional Advisory Committee, Quality Councils and other quality and patient safety teams use balanced scorecards and other measurement tools to track performance and set targets. Quality standards outline what quality care looks like, based on the best evidence, and aim to help close the gaps between the kind of care Ontarians do and should receive. Three percent increase in the number of discharges occurring on the weekend. WebQuality Improvement Plan 2022/23 . Example projects include the following: To learn more about steps to implement a quality improvement program, features of an effective program, and how to measure results, check out A Business Guide to Effective Quality Improvement in Healthcare.. This case study (PDF, 604 KB) describes a large acute care hospital's successful implementation of a six-step plan to improve the emotional support provided to inpatients by the registered nurses and the rest of the nursing staff. Copyright 2014 St Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. See the latest announcements, news, and media coverage. The Appropriate Prescribing Demonstration Project is an educational program to support best practices in prescribing. Explore job openings and team member benefits. Organize, manage, and review content production. By sharing data and best practices and fostering open discussion and knowledge exchange, we aim to improve outcomes for all residents living in long-term care. 416 0 obj <>stream Weboffset: 0, // default Fiscal: View All 2022/23 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14. St. Josephs Healthcare Hamilton is committed to providing quality care, which we define as safe, kind, effective and timely, delivered in an environment of inquiry and learning. Focusing on long-term care homes and based on the 2016/17 QIPs, this report highlights exceptional change ideas, emerging trends and lessons learned that can help organizations implement their quality improvement initiatives this year. WebExcellence through Quality Improvement Project (EQIP) Health Links; Improving Patient Relations; QBP Connect; Quality Improvement and Health System Funding Reform; Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care; Quality Improvement in Primary Care; Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network; The Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Peer Learning Other projects include the following: Nationwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus, Ohio embarked on a quality improvement program to try to prevent all hospital-acquired harm to patients a significant problem at all U.S. hospitals. The Ottawa Hospital: Quality Improvement Plan Narrative (ENG) (PDF) The Ottawa Hospital: Work plan (PDF) Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Excellent Care for All Act. Communication and transfer reports between caregivers at each facility is often poor, resulting in unnecessary tests, increased hospital stays, and other issues. WebA Canadian perspective. Some examples shared include: Pharmacist-led Medication Therapy Management (MTM) reduces total cost of care. Regardless of where or how care is delivered, all teams are encouraged to c This project helped increase the accuracy of Stanfords mammograms by 36 percent, meaning that breast cancer was detected earlier in many cases. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The center implemented a quality improvement program with the goal of having language interpreters available for at least 75 percent of daily rounds visits. Delays in discharging patients from a hospital at the appropriate time is frustrating to patients and costly for both patients and hospitals. The objective of this study is to identify opportunities for its implementation through literature analysis. However, health systems need to tackle the right projects at the right time to maximize the impact to their organization. Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is one of the tools we use to track our performance in a selection of high-priority areas, including patient safety, timely access to effective care and building an integrated health system with our community partners. Deliver results faster with Smartsheet Gov. COVID-19: Get the latest updates or take a self-assessment. Quickly automate repetitive tasks and processes. The QualityCommittee tracks high level clinical outcome and process improvement metrics on a quarterly basis and meets with quality teams in priority areas. Identifying sepsis early can be challenging, as the patients physical response presents a syndrome of non-specific symptoms which delay recognition, diagnosis, and treatment, resulting in increased mortality rates. hVmO:+Bv84UeeU6DK* 8+lrv|E &!^#RU.,aBLl+huq*E,qt`F:#JBt:~H&YpaF3=4)'rlIGI8N)^)|]\)s? -,O_2Qtu*|8. Ninety to Nothing: a PDSA quality improvement project. Manage and distribute assets, and see how they perform. Are you passionate about quality health care for all Ontarians? endstream endobj 95 0 obj <>/Metadata 26 0 R/Names 122 0 R/Outlines 140 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 85 0 R/StructTreeRoot 49 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 96 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 97 0 obj <>stream We strive to provide our patients with care that is accessible, effective, efficient, safe and centered on their needs. Find a partner or join our award-winning program. %%EOF Advancing the spread of proven health care, Helping clinicians and patients talk about unnecessary tests and treatments, A community of radiologists and their team members working together to improve imaging services and patient care, Improving the quality of care in Ontarios emergency departments, Find programs, e-learning opportunities and resources for primary care providers, Connecting care teams, clinicians and residents to help improve the experience and outcomes for people in long-term care homes, Developing new ways to integrate care delivery for people who live with complex chronic illnesses and circumstances, Supporting organizations across the health system to continuously improve their patient relations processes, Supporting the adoption of standards and care delivery pathways with programs, resources and a community of practice, Promoting quality improvement in the mental health and addictions sector with news, resources and a community of practice, Supporting the adoption of quality-based procedures with evidence-based tools, resources and a community of practice. The National Health Service in Scotland implemented a quality improvement program that engages women in the development of a system that will assess and manage those risks. Quality improvement is defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as the framework used to systematically improve care. Health systems that have access to data and analytics across their organization can quickly identify and prioritize quality improvement projects that will not only deliver a strong return on investment but also quantifiably improve care. The Senior Leadership Team also engages in Patient Safety Walkabouts. 9 percent relative difference in mortality for patients who received the evidence-based protocols compared to those who did not. The objective of this study is to identify opportunities for its implementation through literature analysis. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a case study of a successful quality improvement project in an acute care hospital focused on reducing the time of the total patient visit in the emergency department. Regardless of where or how care is delivered, all teams are encouraged to c 121 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<65148BAE6C3BD240AC5B3AF7A7FD25FD>]/Index[94 323]/Info 93 0 R/Length 147/Prev 248094/Root 95 0 R/Size 417/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The initiatives tried to better manage pain in patients, reduce opiate use, and get patients walking and moving more quickly after surgery. New data insights and faster, easier ways to find and organize your work. Our Quality Improvement Plan helps us document and review our current performance in a variety of areas. At a corporate level SJHH also continues to focus on projects related to Safer Healthcare Now and Accreditation Canada Standards. Get answers to common questions or open up a support case. Streamline requests, process ticketing, and more. The organization leveraged its analytics system to demonstrate the impact of this initiative. Package your entire business program or project into a WorkApp in minutes. WebImproving access. Sepsis order set utilization in the ED has increased by more than 185 percent. Quality Improvement Project Examples: Iomt In Primary Care Nursing The Falls Management Program. This program for nursing homes is an example of long-term and short-term strategies to prevent and manage falls as well as fall-related injuries. The overall goal was to reduce the stress of surgery and promote quicker surgical recoveries. Beth Israel Medical Center Included on this page, you'll find a roundup of examples, including CQI projects that improved overall healthcare, CQI projects that improve long-term disease management, projects that reduced medical errors, and many more. A literature review has been carried out since the first publication of Six WebQuality improvement is an ongoing process that helps us continually find new and better ways of doing things so that we can enhance care for patients, increase satisfaction and achieve even better clinical outcomes. The analysis showed the following results: The analysis demonstrated the unique, positive impact of the pharmacist medication therapy management program on patient outcomes in a six-month period following the pharmacist MTM. We are proud to share our Quality Improvement Plan, which outlines our annual strategy to improve the quality and safety of care to you and your family receive in our hospital. Other projects include the following: Thibodaux Regional Medical Center in Louisiana embarked on a quality improvement program to reduce the number of patients who die from sepsis at its hospital. With that approach combined with evidence-based alerts, Mission Health gained insights into sepsis performance to drive improvements, including: This proven plan to improve sepsis outcomes and enhance care for patients with sepsis has laid the groundwork to move the early identification screening tools to the outpatient setting, including urgent care centers and physician offices. Ninety to Nothing: a PDSA quality improvement project. In comparison to the programs above, the following are examples of quality improvement projects in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Statistically significant decreases in average medication count. at The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Departments, Programs, Clinics and Services, University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre. WebA Canadian perspective. %PDF-1.6 % But the process of identifying, prioritizing, and implementing these changes can be improved with the right tools, process, and people. WebQuality improvement is an ongoing process that helps us continually find new and better ways of doing things so that we can enhance care for patients, increase satisfaction and achieve even better clinical outcomes. We welcome care teams, clinicians and researchers working in long-term care across Ontario to come together to spark quality improvement initiatives, discuss best practices and share local innovations. One example is psychotherapy for patients with depression, which approximately doubles the response rate when added to medication.9 Accumulating evidence shows that when patients have to bear the cost of their own health care, they forgo important treatments.10 At the system level, decisions to increase public funding for To increase or decrease text size, press and hold the Ctrl key, then press + or - key. Privacy PolicyMedia Room Read detailed reports about how data can maximize resources and enhance system operations. Other projects include the following: A multidisciplinary team at Stanford Healthcare including surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, physical therapists, and others worked on quality improvement initiatives to improve patient care before and after surgery. All Rights Reserved Smartsheet Inc. Our Quality Improvement Plan helps us document and review our current performance in a variety of areas. Maximize your resources and reduce overhead. Published by RAND, April 2010. Looking for Balance is a health system report by Health Quality Ontario about antipsychotic medication use in Ontario long-term care homes. Build easy-to-navigate business apps in minutes. After the hospital implemented the project, at least four fifths of patients were discharged within two hours of meeting the medical criteria for discharge which also meant an estimated $5.9 million in yearly cost savings. Our goal is to attain a top 10 percent status among North American hospitals in the delivery of safe, high-quality care. All rights reserved. WebExcellence through Quality Improvement Project (EQIP) Health Links; Improving Patient Relations; QBP Connect; Quality Improvement and Health System Funding Reform; Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care; Quality Improvement in Primary Care; Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network; The Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Peer Learning Learn how the Smartsheet platform for dynamic work offers a robust set of capabilities to empower everyone to manage projects, automate workflows, and rapidly build solutions at scale. Healthcare organizations have performed tens of thousands of continuous quality improvement projects over the past two decades. Patient stratification, care coordination, and clinical care models. Quality improvement initiatives can focus on clinical, financial, and operational and can have a significant impact on total costs of care, clinical outcomes, care variation, decision support, length of stay, and more. The use of such antibiotics often doesnt help patients, exposes them to unnecessary risks, and fosters the development across the world of drug-resistant bacteria. In comparison to the programs above, the following are examples of quality improvement projects in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. At a corporate level SJHH also continues to focus on projects related to Safer Healthcare Now and Health systems can deliver better outcomes, improve patient experience, and save lives through quality improvement projects that reduce clinical variation, preventable medical errors, hospital acquired infections, delays in patient discharge, and improve the bottom line. WebQuality Improvement Examples: Process-Specific Projects. Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team and adapt as those needs change. For more information, please refer to the following documents: Are you a patient who needs a Sign Language Interpreter or a Cultural Language Interpreter when you come to The Ottawa Hospital? Find tutorials, help articles & webinars. Here are several healthcare organizations that have successfully adopted Six Sigma as a part of their quality improvement efforts: Mount Carmel Health System : Two years of Six Sigma projects focused on operational issues and business management helped save the healthcare organization $3.1 million. Would you like to learn more about this topic? The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. 94 0 obj <> endobj This article will provide an overview of the quality improvement initiatives of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Calgary Health Region. Document that your providers have checked with patients as to whether theyve had an influenza vaccination. WebQuality Improvement Examples: Process-Specific Projects. Both theJoint Boards of Governorsand Senior Leadership Team monitor and respond to Critical Incidents as they occur. WebExcellence through Quality Improvement Project (EQIP) Health Links; Improving Patient Relations; QBP Connect; Quality Improvement and Health System Funding Reform; Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care; Quality Improvement in Primary Care; Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network; The Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Peer Learning Community WebImproving Hospital Inpatient Nursing Care. The University of Toronto hospital embarked on a quality improvement program to improve those communications.
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