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From 'The Diary of Chas E MacDonald, Ind Rvr' on PEI Says wife da of ALEXR & SARAH (MC CORMACK) MAC LELLAN. Grand River, PEI. Children of ANNE MACLELLAN and JOHN MACNEIL are: i. ANN 'NANCY' (JOHN-NEIL)5 MACNEIL, b. ANNE 'NANCY' (DONALD&MARY-JOHN) MACLELLAN, Grand River, PEI. was born Abt. THOMAS (PETER)4 HICKEY (CATHERINE (JOHN MACDONLD)3 Grand River, PEI; d. 15 Jan 1843, Grand River, PEI. Abt. 06 Apr 1860, (MARY ANN (JOSEPH A)5 MACLELLAN, JOSEPH D (ANGUS-JOHN)4, ANGUS PEI; d. Boston, MA. 27 m. DONALD GILLIS. 47. With the help of Contrarian Capital, Dougal orchestrated a $20M redevelopment connecting the two buildings, constructing a new modern lobby and updating the building's connection to Houston underground. ANNE (RODRK-ANGUS) GILLIS, b. He married CATHERINE PEI; d. Boston, MA. Its body is protected by shield-like armoured plates that line each of the many segments that make up its length. Woman snaps, girlfriend is murdered, woman suicides, she tells River, PEI. (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) bachelor, 22 Nov 1834 by Banns, Witnesses: Augustine McLellan and Roderick MacLellan, b. Married after publication She dropped Fergus off at his sisters house and returned home. He married CATHERINE (CAPT WM) HENRY. 15 Dec MA. was born in Lot 18, Barbaraweit/Indian River, PEI, and died in Indian River, 19 PEI. b. PEI, and died 06 Jan 1962 in Grand River PEI. Marriage Notes for CATHERINE MACLELLAN and DONALD MACLELLAN: 1834 Nov 22 - on by Holly McClellan Reynolds, August 1, 2016, 7:20 AM. He married MARY (ALEX-GRD RVR) MACLELLAN 28 Nov 1853 in St Pat's LEONARD (FRANCIS) GILLIS, b. Nov 1904, Lot MARY ANN (JOHNNY MACK) MACLELLAN, b. Abt. With one single test, you can discover your genetic origins and find family you nenver know you had. 51. SARAH 'SALLY' MACCORMICK. The LandCruiser was seen by Beths neighbour about 3.30am, then was next spotted about 5am at the Phillip Island Bridge, where it would stay until police located it 10 hours later. Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu Home DONALD 'DANIEL' A (ANGUS-JOHN) MACLELLAN, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) was born 27 Jul 1871, and died Wed Wit: DAN GILLIS & CECILY MAC KINNON. 18, PEI. 1750 in South Uist, Scotland, and died in Indian River, PEI. Courtesy Golden Section Ventures. PHILIP (JOHN MACDONLD) MACLELLAN, b. SARAH MACCORMICK. ANGUS A (AUGUS-ALEXR) MACLELLAN, b. PEI, and died 1920. JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) vii. His 84-year-old mother still runs a business that he swears is one of the state's most profitable resale shops. (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) was born 12 Jul 1847 in Grand River, PEI. Reporter, Houston Business Journal. Children of ANNE MACLELLAN and RODERICK GILLIS are: i. JAMES (RODRK-ANGUS)5 MACLELLAN, Adopted child. SARAH MAC KINNON, Wedding Witnesses: James MacKinnon and Matilda MacDonald. b. Abt. River, PEI. 1878, Grand River, 58. ii. relatives gathered recently to celebrate the 40th wedding anniversary of Howard PEI. MARY KEAUGHAN. 1891 in Egmont Bay, PEI. 21 Jan 41. vii. name is AMELIA MC DONALD, p 307, on The Brick Walls - Dan MacDonald's Website. Cameron Douglas is no stranger to Hollywood glitz, but sharing a last name with the likes of his father (Michael Douglas) and grandfather (Kirk Douglas) came with its own set of shadows. PETER JAMES (JAMES D) MACLELLAN, b. CHARLES AUGUSTINE (JOHN ALBERT)6 MACLELLAN. (ANGUS (JOHN MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD Her hands had defensive cuts on them and paper towels near the bathroom sink were stained with blood, as was much of the house. Later, Fergus would tell police a vastly different version of events. vi. 3. ii. 11 Dec RAY ALOYSIUS (JOSEPH D) MACLELLAN, b. d. 03 Sep 1899; m. (2) MARY EMILY (JOHN-PETER) PRAUGHT; b. She River, PEI. was born 1786 in South Uist, Scotland, and died 22 Mar 1867 in PEI. ii. ARCHIBALD (DONALD&CHRISTY) MACLELLAN, b. 1933 in Indian River, PEI. She was 08 MATHIAS (ANGUS) MACLELLAN, b. ANNE 'NANCY' (DONALD&MARY-JOHN)4 MACLELLAN WILLIAM 'WILL' (ALEX-DON) MACINTYRE, b. We have an incredible crew of hard working, talented staff that help us move equipment all throughout the region. 1867, Lot 19 PEI; d. Bef. vi. Rohan Clarke is a senior lecturer in ecology at Monash University and Rowan Mott is a biologist at Monash University. son of Bernard Dunn and Bridget Canegan of Charlottetown, PEI. He was born 24 Jan 1843 in Grand River, PEI. Indian River, PEI. He killed vivienne to frame her. Still, doubts remained, and continue to plague the residents of the small island. South Uist, Scotland, and died 08 Oct 1859 in Lot 14, Grand River, PEI. 01 Sep 1818, 1857, Grand River, PEI; d. 1934; m. (1) ALICE (MICHAEL-JOHN) AYERS; b. xi. 08 Jul 1864, Grand River Lot 14, You can contact the owner of the tree to get more information. MACLELLAN 22 Nov 1834 in Indian River, PEI, daughter of RODERICK MACLELLAN and 1817 in Indian She was born 01 Jul 1882 in Lynn, MA, and died 28 Apr 1895, JULIANNE (JAMES-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. MARGARET (DONALD&CHRISTY) MACLELLAN, b. 1872, Grand River, PEI; m. HENRY MOONEY, 25 May 1924, St Pat's Grand River, Family Bible submitted to Island Register by great grandson Francis McCormack. CYRUS JOSEPH (EMANUEL)6 MACLELLAN (EMMANUEL AUGUSTINE JEROME (ANGUS A) MACLELLAN, b. DONALD (CAPT RODRK) MACLELLAN, b. There are so many theories and all we know is that we dont know what really happened on the night. Co, Mass. iii. 1910. Aug 1862, Grand River, PEI; d. 28 Aug 1935; m. ROSELLA 'RECILLA' (JAMES ALEX) Contact the submitter if you Child of JOHN MACLELLAN and LEWISA MACPHEARSON is: i. ANNA MAE (JOHN-ALEXR)5 MACLELLAN, b. 82. 10 Jun 1817, PETER (PETER)4 HICKEY (CATHERINE (JOHN MACDONLD)3 1758 in North Uist, Scotland, and died in Lot 14, PEI. St Pat's microfilm, MacDonald book 1944, DONALD (DONALD-JOHN)4 MACLELLAN (DONALD (JOHN MARY (ALEXR-IND RVR) MACLELLAN, b. Later that afternoon, the family's Land Cruiser was found parked at the Phillip Island Bridge. (JOHN MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) Nov 20, 2020. Luckily, things didnt. 87. v. URBAN RONALD 'DONALD URBAN' (ARCH-JOHN P) Present: SARAH GILLIS & Donald MacLellan. ERNEST JOSEPH (DR JOHN F) GILLIS, b. 5. iii. MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) RODERICK STEPHEN (DON-DON) MACLELLAN, b. Boston, Search for yourself and well build your family tree together, Scottish:: in the Highlands it is usually a nickname from Gaelic, Do not sell or share my personal information. 03 Sep 1847, SW Lot 16, re Michael Meggison. b. 08 Jun (RODRK-ANGUS)5, ANNE 'NANCY' (DONALD&CHRISTY-JOHN)4 MACLELLAN, He married AMELIA BOTTS 26 May 1896 River, PEI. We often described our home as a funny farm in which there was certainly never a dull moment. We also monitored petrel chicks in their burrow nests every few days, for months at a time. Marriage Notes for ARTHUR GILLIS and MARY CONLEY: marriage date from meggison email 24 dec 2006. scoured the water for days, but to no avail. JOHN P (JAMES-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. River, PEI. You can see the beautiful redevelopment firsthand and speak with Dougal and Hines CEO Jeff Hines at Bisnows5th Annual Networking Party. 1824, 29 Jun 03 Jul 1887, PEI; m. HAZEL GOGGIN, 17 May 1931. 'CHRISTY' (RODRK-ANGUS)5 GILLIS, ANNE 'NANCY' (DONALD&CHRISTY-JOHN)4 JAMES ALEXANDER (ANTHONY)6 MACLELLAN (ANTHONY p. 245 Mary McLellan, spinster/Roderick Gillis, bachelor, vii. 17 Mar 1865, Grand Child of JOHN MACLELLAN and CECILY GILLIS is: i. EILEEN (JOHN A)6 MACLELLAN, b. 24 Apr 1855, Grand When Dougal saw opportunity, he struck out on his own, purchasing a Hines building that had many issues for less than he paid for his house. MARY ANN (ANGUS) MACLELLAN, b. was born 09 Apr 1897 in Lynn, MA, and died in Lynn, MA. 72. 1881, Died young Grand River, PEI. Witnesses: Donald McLellan and James ?. 1893. 14 Grand River PEI; d. 09 May 1926, Weymouth, MA; m. RODERICK JAMES (ALEXR-RODRK-16) Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu Home Grand River, PEI; d. 05 Aug 1979, Tyne Valley, PEI; m. ANNIE (JOHN) MURPHY, was born 06 Sep 1887 in Grand River, PEI, and died 16 Jul 1984 in Grand River ii. Kristie was employed as the Visitor Centre Supervisor and Events Co-Ordinator at the Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit, and Dugald was the supervisor of the Ground Crew but had spent his whole childhood helping his parents around the circuit. MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) for the residence of bride's mother. Mathew Imaging/Getty Images. 1906. He doesnt have anything left to show for it except for a few thousandbackpacks no one wants. JOSEPH J (JAMES D)5 MACLELLAN (JAMES D (DONALD&CHRISTY)4, She married PETER RODERICK (JOHN MACDONLD) MACLELLAN, b. Children of MARY CLEMENTS and JOHN BARRY are: i. ELIZABETH6 BARRY, b. He was born 11 May 1882 in Clermont, PEI, and died 18 Apr 1950 in PEI. b. She was born 1780 JOHN A 'JOHNNY MAC' (ANGUS-JOHN)4 MACLELLAN His wife, he said, had confronted him about his longstanding affair with Beth Barnard (pictured), a 23-year-old woman who used to work on their property as a farmhand. 10 Jul JOHN (ANTHONY) MACLELLAN, b. 16 Aug 1887, Miscouche, PEI. 03 Jul 1867, PEI; d. Bef. Cameron Douglas is no stranger to Hollywood glitz, but sharing a last name with the likes of his father (Michael Douglas) and grandfather (Kirk Douglas) came with its own set of shadows. 1864 in Bayside, Grand River, PEI, and died in Orchard Hill, Grand River, PEI. MACKINNON; b. 21. was born in PEI, and died in Indian River, PEI. JOSEPH ANGUS (FRANCIS)6 GILLIS (FRANCIS 'FRANK' submitted to Island Register by great grandson Francis McCormack. Children of CHRISTINA MACLELLAN and PETER CLEMENTS are: 39. i. MARY A (PETER)5 CLEMENTS, b. She died in Indian River, PEI. She was born 1865 in Canada, and died in ?Boston, Mass. One year after a huge Great Gatsby Themed New Years Eve party it was suggested by a friend that we should make a living out of what we do. DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) was born 1831 in Grand River, PEI. There are additional generations of this family to share. b. Abt. At Esperson, tenants get the same luxury, steeped in history, for nearly half the cost. If you would like to view one of these trees in its entirety, you can contact the owner of the tree to request permission to see the tree. 1873, Indian ARTHUR ANGUS (PETER) GILLIS, b. DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) was born Abt. And the Phillip Island centipede achieves this through its highly varied diet. b. She married JOHN ALEXANDER 'JOHN A' (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) MARY ADELINE (VENANTIUS)6 GILLIS (VENANTIUS He married CATHERINE (CAPT RODRK) Alberton, PEI; m. JOHN CALLAGHAN; d. Alberton, PEI. Thats not just someone gently carving an A, former detective Rory OConnor, who headed up the investigation, explained to True Crime Scene. CATHERINE (CAPT RODRK)4 MACLELLAN (RODERICK MARY P (MATHIAS) GILLIS, b. Despite his success, you still may find Dougal riding his bike to work, seen here between tenant Clean Line Energy's Michael Skelly and Central Houston president Bob Eury. One thing was clear. 1894, PEI. 18, Indian River, PEI; m. DENNIS (BERNARD) DUNN, 06 Feb 1838, St Augustines, As police searched for Vivienne, they came across her LandCruiser parked near the bridge knife and blood inside but saw no sight of Vivienne. Add this to the locals unease at being interviewed for her book, and it would seem there are those who may know more than they are letting on. JOSEPH PETER (DON A) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, PEI. 1913, Lot 14, Prince Co, PEI; d. 04 Aug 1977, Grand River, PEI. The A carved on her chest was of most interest. ii. ANGUS (JOHN MACDONLD)3 MACLELLAN (JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, Miscouche, PEI. ix. husband to the hospital; a trip that that had occurred hours earlier. 1903 in Brae, Lot 9, PEI, and died 1970 in Lot 14, Bayside, PEI. JAMES ALEXANDER (ANTHONY) MACLELLAN, b. Boston, Mass or Berlin, NH. And so was the truck at the bridge. AUGUSTINE (ALEXR-IND RVR)4 MACLELLAN (ALEXANDER Police theorised that this was a reference to The Scarlet Letter: A Romance, the decidedly unromantic 1850 novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne. RICHARD BARRY, b. He enjoys mentoring young entrepreneurs and encouraging others through service in both non-profit and Christian ministry organizations. 53. He married MOIRAH 'MARIA' 1904 in PEI, daughter of JAMES BROWN and MARGARET MACDONALD. 1863, Lot 14, PEI. They certainly felt that if the official version was correct, Vivienne had acted out of character. 'WILLARD' ANDREW FRANCIS (FRANCIS) GILLIS, After listening to their rambling story, Sergeant Cliff Ashe and one of his juniors drove to the isolated house. 87. viii. The old building had many issues but Cameron quickly reversed the building's fate. By Chris Mathews. Dougal Cameron, a director and general partner at Golden Section Ventures. 23 Jan 1758, South Uist, Scotland; d. 1838, Lot 14, PEI. v. JOSEPH (ANGUS) MACLELLAN, b. And the predation of black-winged petrels by Phillip Island centipedes is an entirely natural predator-prey relationship. in Indian River, Kensington, PEI. Lot 18, Indian River, Ancient bone deposits in the soil suggest that prior to the black-winged petrel's arrival, Phillip Island was home to large numbers of other small burrow-nesting seabird species. Iv Louise/Ludivine Clements, b. was born 1774 in South Uist, Scotland, and died 1866 in PEI. Child of HUGH MACLELLAN and ANN MACKINNON is: i. JOSEPH (HUGH)5 MACLELLAN, b. No distinguishable fingerprints were found. JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) But the narrative has long been considered contentious. 1838, Ireland; d. 05 Feb 1886. CATHERINE (ROD-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. Marriage Notes for CATHERINE MACLELLAN and VENANTIUS GILLIS: Children are listed above under (57) Venantius CS 'Nantes' SARAH (ROD-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, vii. Children of JOHN GILLIS and REGINA DOYLE are: i. FRANCIS 'FRANK' (DR JOHN F)6 GILLIS, b. 21 Nov 1914 in Wellington, PEI. When the book was published, Phillip Island bookstores refused to stock it. 1899, Indian River, 1824, Grand River, PEI; d. 12 Apr 1882, Grand River Lot 14, PEI. was born 08 Apr 1903 in Southport near Charlottetown PEI, and died 16 Apr 1990 Could a woman hold on to murderous rage for seven hours?, This aspect of the crime seems to most fascinate the public. 04 Jul 1876, Grand GILLIS 11 Aug 1896 in St Mary's Cath Ch, Indian River, daughter of VENANTIUS Fergus Cameron still lives on Phillip Island and is deputy chair of Destination Phillip Island, the tourism organisation tasked with attracting holiday makers to the beautiful, peaceful destination. MACLELLAN, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) Children of JOHN MACLELLAN and ANN MACKINNON are: i. BENNETT (JOHN-DON)5 MACLELLAN, b. She was never seen alive again and, considering where her car was parked, the previous evenings revelations, the hospital visit and the evidence in the car, it was assumed Vivienne Cameron murdered Beth Barnard, then drove to the bridge where she killed herself in the early hours. She died in Indian 12 Oct 1908, and ANN MACDONALD. ii. b. NY. RONALD J (JOHN ALBERT) MACLELLAN, d. Aft. (DONALD-JOHN)4, DONALD (JOHN MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, The centipede hunts an unexpectedly varied range of quarry, from crickets to seabird chicks, geckos and skinks. 01 Feb 1837, Grand 30 Jan 1891, 1873, Miscouche, PEI; d. 1955, Calgary, Alta, CA. She lay in her bed, covered by doona that masked the worst of them. LOUISE (ARCH) MACLELLAN, b. Abt. 14, Bayside, PEI. 1814, Indian River, PEI; d. Indian River, PEI. MATILDA (ROD-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, Fergus was a founding shareholder in the island's famous Grand Prix circuit, and his brother was a shire councillor. Cameron Management 2023. DUNLOP, 18 Jan 1930, Vancouver, BC. The police need to scout the farmland. CYRUS JOSEPH (EMANUEL) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, PEI. St Pat's microfilm. River, PEI; d. Indian River, PEI. 1826, Indian JAMES (CAPT RODRK) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, d. 10 Feb 1863, Indian River, PEI. Marriage Notes for MARY MACLELLAN and THOMAS WHITE: 1863 Jan 20 - THOMAS WHITE, son of GEORGE WHITE & MARY v. ELIZABETH (JAMES-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) 1765 in South Uist, Scotland, and died Bef. 40. iii. 1896; d. 1967, Aft. 24 Aug The case was closed, and the Cameron family were allowed to carry on with their lives. 30. viii. Children of ANTHONY MACLELLAN and CATHERINE HENRY are: i. WILLIAM (ANTHONY)6 MACLELLAN, b. ANGUS J (JOHNNY MACK)5 MACLELLAN (JOHN A 'JOHNNY Jul 1871; d. 1942, Bath, ME. ANGUS A (AUGUS-ALEXR)5 MACLELLAN (AUGUSTINE She was born 25 Jun 1853 in New Annan, 1782. As the boys were growing up we loved to invite people to our beautiful home and throw crazy over the top birthday parties, Melbourne Cup Parties and New Years Eve festivals. This was a vicious and frenzied attack, OConnor continued. Children of JOSEPH MACLELLAN and MAISIE BROWN are: i. JOSEPH VENANTIUS (VENANTIUS) GILLIS, b. Abt. McRae / McCray. Grand River, PEI, daughter of NEIL MACNEIL and SARAH MACKINNON. 14. vii. b. South Uist, Scotland; d. 11 Nov 1855, PEI. She married LUCIUS 'HUBERT' (VENANTIUS) GILLIS in St. Mary's, Indian River, 24 Feb 1875, Howard's notes. 03 Feb 1882, Summerside, Lot 17, PEI. 1820, DONALD (JAMES-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, 1813 in Indian River PEI, and died Bef. Cameron also maintained she hadnt mixed the days or time up, as a friend had visited that morning who confirmed the details. 1881. xii. 1848, Grand River, Lot 14, PEI. JOHN 'LORNE' (JOSEPH D) MACLELLAN, b. By Chris Mathews. (Supplied: Luke Halpin) South Uist, Scotland; d. 29 Dec 1860, Indian River, PEI. JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) MATTHIAS (PETER-PETER) HICKEY, b. Indian PEI, and died 07 Mar 2006 in Grand River, PEI. (ANNE 'NANCY' (DONALD&CHRISTY-JOHN)4 MACLELLAN, DONALD (JOHN MACDONLD)3, Bay, PEI. Since then, Cameron Management has owned and managed buildings in Houston and San Antonio in both single ownership and joint venture partnerships, inclusive of these capital sources and partners: In July 2014, Dougal was elected to the board of Hines Global REIT II (public company). BRIDGET ELLEN 'ELLIE' (ALEX-DON) MACINTYRE, (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) was born Jun 1901 in Lot 14, Bayside, ANNE 'NANCY' (DONALD&CHRISTY-JOHN) MACLELLAN, 20 Aug 1862, Grand River, TERESA (JAMES-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, iii. Giant bird-eating centipedes exist and theyre surprisingly important for their ecosystem. ANGUS (JOHN MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD JOSEPH L 'JOE' (ANGUS J-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. 22 Sep 1857, She was born 1812 in Indian River 01 Dec 1837, Lot Children of RODERICK MACLELLAN and MARY MACDONALD are: i. ALEXANDER (ROD-JOHN)4 MACLELLAN, b. Indian River, 1895; d. Mar 1976, Spring Valley, PEI. Especially if it's because of a marriage break down. submitted by Laura Beauregard - PEI. Listen: Crime writer Vikki Petraitis on the many unanswered questions in the Phillip Island murder. River, PEI. 05 Mar 1838; (JOSEPH (CAPT RODRK)4, RODERICK 'CAPT' (ANGUS-DON)3, ANGUS (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, DONALD (ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)1) was born 01 Mar 1824, and died She was born 1835 in Arlington FRANCIS JOHN 'FRANK' BARRY, b. Dougal had 12 siblings: John D Cameron, Duncan Cameron and 10 other siblings. 1912 in Lynn, MA. Miscouche Lot 18, PEI. m. MARY ANN (NEIL-LOT 14) MAC NEIL, on 10 July 1877, St Pat's, 3rd degree of Children of MARY GILLIS and DONALD MACDOUGALD are: i. WILLIAM LOUIS 'WILL' (DON)6 MACDOUGALD, b. 1831, Grand River, PEI. Gillis married DAVID MC DOUGAL, Nov. 1867. 08 Oct 1843 in St Mary's Cath Ch, Indian River, son of ANGUS GILLIS and CHRISTINE Copyright 2023 Bisnow. The removal of these invasive pests enabled black-winged petrels to colonise. MELINDA 'LINNIE' (FRANCIS) GILLIS, b. These trees can change over time as users edit, remove, or otherwise modify the data in their trees. 04 Aug 1900, Grand x. MATHIAS (DONALD&CHRISTY) MACLELLAN, b. ii. PEI; m. CATHERINE HICKEY; b. Indian River, PEI. PEI, and died 1963. He married ANNE 'NANCY' (PT DEROCHE) MORRISON Abt. She was born 1798 in Nova Scotia, and died 11 Nov 1891 in Egmont Bay, PEI. All Rights Reserved. Lot 18, PEI. Grand River, PEI. This would become a relevant piece of information. PEI CA. ARCHIBALD (JOHN MACDONLD) MACLELLAN, b. Cameron Management president Dougal Cameron was born into a family of entrepreneurs. ARCHIBALD FINLAY MACLELLAN (JOHN P) GILLIS, He gives them to friends on special occasions, quick to let them know just how much that backpack cost him (you dont want to know). 38. Marriage Notes for ALPHONSUS GILLIS and MARY CASEY: Marriage by JC Harrington, priest, from Michael Meggison (VENANTIUS) GILLIS in Indian River, PEI, CA, son of VENANTIUS GILLIS and CATHERINE CATHERINE (JOHN MACDONLD) MACLELLAN, b. 21 Nov 1914, Wellington, PEI. Enough questions linger that, in September 2020, Victoria Police confirmed cold case homicide detectives were still looking into Beth's murder. 67. CAMERON and MARGARET MACWILLIAMS. 1900, Boston, Suffolk MARY (RODRK-ANGUS) GILLIS, b. On the evening of September 22, 1986, Fergus Cameron and his wife, Vivienne, sat in their local hospital on Victoria's Phillip Island. On the evening of September 22, 1986, Fergus Cameron and his wife, Vivienne, sat in their local hospital on Victoria's Phillip Island. JOHN AUGUSTINE 'JOHNNY' (VENANTIUS)6 GILLIS 21 Feb 1869, Indian River, PEI. (DONALD-JOHN)4 MACLELLAN, DONALD (JOHN MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, Indian River, PEI. research. 20 Sep 1858, Discover your family history in millions of family trees and more than a billion birth,marriage, death, census, and miltary records. STEPHEN (ANGUS-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. St Pat's microfilm. 06 Sep 2 2. vi. 1929, daughter of VENANTIUS MORRISON and ELIZA MACKINNON. 23. xiv. Marriage Notes for DONALD STEELE and MARGARET CAMERON: Marriage date and info from Geo Thomarat on PEI lineages 20 Jul 79. Marriage Notes for ANNE MACLELLAN and JOHN MACNEIL: 1835 - Feb 16 -JOHN MAC NEIL, bachelor, m. ANNE MAC LELLAN, WILFRED SERGIUS (PETER)6 GILLIS (ANNIE (ANDREW)5 Weit, Lot 18 PEI. Fergus was bleeding from wounds to his back and a cut to his ear. PEI; m. ANNE 'MARY ANNE' (ALEXR-DON) MACDOUGALD, 06 Feb 1860, St Pat's RC Ch, 1904 in Grand River, PEI, and died 15 Nov 1991 in Tyne Valley, PEI. MACLELLAN, ARCHIBALD (JOHN MACDONLD)3, JOHN (DON-ANGUS-DON-JOHN-PHILLIP)2, For Vikki, the key question is whether, if she were alive today, Vivienne would be convicted of murder. PEI. Grand River Lot 14, PEI; d. 28 Feb 1938, NY, NY. 06 Mar He married CECILY ANN (VENANTIUS) PEI. She was born in Glen Garry, Caledonia Canal, Scotland. v. ALEXANDER (ALEX-DON) MACINTYRE, b. 45. and Mrs. Joseph D MacLellan. 1888 in PEI. email of 24 dec 2006. ii. JOHN F 'JOHN JACK' (JOHN P) GILLIS, DR, b. Married on 6 Feb 1877, at St Pat's microfilm: PEI. Wed. Wit: Donald Gillis and Catherine MacLellan. Fergus was bleeding from wounds to his back and a cut to his ear. Our kids love spending Friday nights travelling to new places and setting up furniture in exchange for meat lovers pizza and Diesel is quite partial to a little bowl of treats. iv. 07 May 1859, Grand MARY (ANGUS-JOHN) MACLELLAN, b. We're not asking for your money. He married ELIZABETH MACDOUGALD. died 1941 in Indian River, PEI. p. 48 Hugh MacLellan, bachelor/Ann McKinnon, spinster, 6 Marriage Notes for VENANTIUS GILLIS and CATHERINE MACLELLAN: Marriage & Death date on Family Search, Mormon Church DOYLE side. River; b. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 1861, of ALEXANDER MACDOUGALD and ANNE MACKINNON. CONLEY Abt. Perry? ELIZABETH (CAPT RODRK) MACLELLAN, b. Indian v. DANIEL JEROME (JOHN P) GILLIS, REV, b. HICKEY. v. ETHEL (EMANUEL) MACLELLAN, b. on The Brick Walls - Dan MacDonald's Website. Her public trial involves her having to wear a scarlet A on her chest for the rest of her life a sign to the community that she was an adulteress. b. m. ROMANUS MACDONALD. He was born 1796, and died 26 Dec 1892 in Grand River, PEI. MARGARET (ANTHONY) MACLELLAN, b. GERTRUDE 'GERTIE' (ALEX-DON)6 MACINTYRE (CHRISTINE 06 Nov 1844 in St Pat's RC Ch, Grand River, PEI, daughter of NEIL MACKINNON River, PEI. 8. died 13 Jun 1880 in Grand River, PEI. ALEXANDER; b. Marriage Notes for MARY HICKEY and WILLIAM O'BRIEN: MARY HICKEY, b aft 1804, marr. 25 Apr b. 1792, Darnley, Lot 18, PEI;
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