highland county fairgrounds events
any lead vocals. Breeds: Alpines, American Lamanchas, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubians, Oberhalsi, 2. The, object of the award is to assist youth students, who have been active in any of the following, Highland County Junior Fair organizations: Farm. 4. 6. Event by Harrison Champion Limousin Heifer Vickie Warnock, County Treasurer, 32. includes our complete Worship Band which will play before and during the service. Goat Association. Every purchase supports us AND you get 10% off your order using the discount code HIGHLANDGAMES. Open Halter, Sr. LOT: 011 Open Halter, 9-18 yrs - Junior Horse. Exercises same as Novice A. Exhibitor can repeat class with, same dog or different dog unless a state fair class winner, then move to, Youth who exhibited for the first year in Grad Novice A last year can, remain in Grad Novice A with the same dog for current year. on Sunday of, fair at weigh-in and banding; exhibitor must. 2nd Place Sr. Rabbit Showmanship Arthur Farms, 25. Dairy Doe Phil & Carleta Wevrich, Champion Sr. for each species will be the exhibitor accumulating the most points from the three, weighted scales will be used in these three, 9. For more information, like or follow the Highland County Fair Facebook page, or visit highlandcountyfair.org. only be shown in the market rabbit class. to those individuals or families that do not have dairy. Market lambs - show 2, sell 1 (one time, G. Beef cattle - show 2 steers, sell 1 and. Youth who, exhibited for 2nd year in Grad Novice A last year must move to Grad, Novice B with same or different dog for current year. LOT: 006 Miscellaneous Crafts (mod podge. B. Dairy goat classes may be combined or, of entries with desirable class size being, 11. There will be a small area of carpet bonded. Top 5 Market Rabbit Banners Randall Walker Family, ADULT SUPTS: Lonnie Harper, Michelle Harper. Booklets are available through your. Market Beef Ribbons 3rd - 5th Jake Osborn, 20. Though in late July Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Health Interim Director Lance Himes ordered all county fair boards in Ohio to scale back to junior fair events only, this years Highland County fair will still include a queen and king contest, food vendors, clothing boutique vendors, and more. Start: Jul 06, 2023 04:00 PM. classes. Champion Wt. 11. All Hogs selling Wednesday night will go immediately on the truck. Division Edgington Funeral Home, 14. To exhibit at the Highland County Junior, A. Go to https://highlandcountyfairva.com/ for the full schedule of events. Family Tagging: Refer to Rule #8 under Market Livestock. Band starts at 8:40AM, Services at 9:00AM, CLASS: 012 LOT: 001 Senior Grooming and Handling A. included below. Senior Beef Showmanship Vickie Warnock, Hi. Disqualification: The committee reserves the right to disqualify and/or exclude any individual from the competition if any rules and regulations are not met. Champion Wt. The individual class awards will be, club or chapter can pick up the individual, 8230 State Route 73 | Hillsboro, OH 45133, Sponsored by Highland Co. Junior Dairy Breeders Silver Tray & Bowl Junior Fair Dairy Alumni, 17. Your premier community calendar for Scottish Highland Games and Festivals around the world! No walk trot exhibitors in trail classes. Listed are the breeds capable of showing in the 6-8 months. (Refer to General Rule #7), G. Any interpretation or clarification will, D. Sweepstakes Showmanship - any exhibitor who has won Junior, Intermediate, or Senior Showmanship either in, responsible for deciding if age classes are, necessary and establishing the age classes, 4. Champion Milking Shorthorn Spring Meadow Farm, 15. SUPERINTENDENTS: Mason Hostetler, Brogen Priest. Res. Parent or Legal Guardian (Print): , Signature:____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: , Address:, Primary Emergency Contact #:___________________________________________ Secondary Emergency #: , Anyone (regardless of age) is eligible and can, All contestants will compete against each other, All participants MUST turn in a properly completed application and fee of $25.00 (does not, include admission to fair). Fair Admission: Cheerleaders and Advisors /, Music:Music must be emailed to [emailprotected], yahoo.com in an MP3 file no later than NOON on, September 11. All market animals must be tagged and shown halter broken to, 5. 4-H Champion Natural World Jr. Div Country Critters 4-H Club, Natural World Jr. Div Country Critters 4-H Club, Communication/Leadership Sr. Div Barnyard Bunch, 7. Champion Wt. ***Riders must be 18 or older to enter any pro class.***. In front of the Chicken and Rabbit Barn, Spot #5.) Join the Scotch Malt Whisky Society to get exclusive access to rare single-cask whiskies, a monthly subscription to their digital magazine Unfiltered, virtual tastings and access to member-only tasting rooms in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow all while supporting our website! or volunteer, to any health care facility or hospital, or the calling of an ambulance for myself or said child should staff deem this to be necessary. Ground Roping 9-13 Hi. requirements of 9-11 years of age as of January 1, current year. There. 19. Fair Schedule on Page 7 of the Fair Book. This class is for the Exhibitor or dog that has shown in Novice A or has, had experience at the Novice level prior to their countys current enrollment deadline. Drills & Bits, Laser, Compressors, Generators, Drywall Scaffolds, Plumbing, Sewer Tools, Inspection Cameras, Floor Sanders, Power Washer. Trophies will be given to all amateur riders finishing 1st 6th place. Transparent, PROOF, AS DETERMINED BY THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, BE DISCOVERED AFTER THE, THE SALE, such animal(s) shall not be permitted, THE SALE, all sale money shall be returned to, the buyer and the animal, carcass or carcass, value shall be returned to the exhibitor. All other entries must be carried as a current year project. Tattoo numbers of rabbits entered by entry deadline must be from, project animals with tattoo numbers on file in the County Extension, 8. at fair weigh-in to show or sell. kids, ages of all goat classes will be calculated as of the day of the junior show. Trophy Shafer Heating & Cooling, 7. Highland County Office. Highly Recommended -, Duration time of your performance is 4 minutes, Days of competition: Each evening arrive Early, Check-in with staff/give staff your CD or let, Performance must be family oriented and in, Judging: There will be a panel of judges. overall. 4-H Club Dr. M. Dean Kiesling. No prong, 7. B. Champion Weight Class Concord Jr. C. Should a complaint be filed under A or B, above, an investigative committee, consisting of the Senior Fair board President, Vice, President and Secretary, Jr. Fair Coordinator, Extension Educators 4-H, adult Jr. Fair, SHALL immediately conduct an investigation. The overall winner of the Breeding Goat Showmanship and the overall winner of the Market, overall Goat Sweepstakes winner that will, 17. No other exhibitor and/or exhibitors family, shall be allowed to exhibit in the Highland, for disciplinary or other similar reason from, other county, independent or State Fairs for, 13. Concord Jr. If you, have any breeding animals of the particular, species you are leasing, you cannot lease, 8. They have also not progressed to, the Graduate Open level or higher. All exhibitors will display good sportsmanship with their own dog and, other exhibitors at all times. : Brooke Baldwin, Hannah Holland, Eligibility for showing in an Obedience A Class is defined as no training or, showing experience for class level entered for the handler and/or dog prior to, April 1st of the current project year. Handlers and/or dogs not meeting this, This class is for the beginning exhibitor and beginning dog. Each exhibitor will keep his/her dog on a leash while on the fairgrounds except when participating in the ring and judging. Exhibitor Award shall be in this order: 1st, skillathon placing; 2nd, total skillathon. WebThe 157th Scottish Highland Gathering and Games are at the Alameda County Fairgrounds on Labor Day Weekend (September 2-3) 2023. boots are allowed. Were doing the best we can with what we can do. Community members will not need a pass to enter the fairgrounds on Friday, but Baldwin said that those who would like to purchase fair food between Sunday and Thursday should purchase a pass. 3. Sweepstakes Showmanship Drs. Also, please bring a CD to submit, at registration in the event the music wasnt able, to download correctly. 8. Exhibitors can tag four and show two feeder calves and sell one, 1. These, 17. Dogs completing their Companion Dog Excellent (CDX). Int. Official. All poultry (except meat pen chicks) must. Extension Office by the last Monday in June. 1. Facebook Instagram Twitter. With this in mind, I herebyrelease the staff to render first aid to myself or minors in the event of any injury or illness, and if, deemed necessary by the staff to call a doctor and to seek medical help, including transportation by a staff member or its representatives, whether paid. Individuals who violate any rule and/or exhibit poor sportsmanship. team score. only Wednesday through Friday of fair from the Junior Fair Office. 2. Class Feeder Calf Marshall Stockmen 4-H Club. You, cannot show in any 9 to 13, 14 to 18, Pony, or. Refer to class description. species, but the Showman of Showmen Superintendent is responsible for reminding the Barn Superintendent. contest is designed to be both educational and recreational in nature. Tonya Fender, 2010 Swine Industry Queen, Kayla Deatley. Reining (Pattern C) Stars Hollow Farm, LLC, 33.Western Riding 9-13 years Roger Miller & Family, 34. C. Time shall begin when the contestant crosses the start line. 15. 4. Score sheets are the property of the Highland, County Fair and WILL NOT be available to the, Disqualification: The committee reserves the, right to disqualify and/or exclude any individual, from the competition if any rules and regulations are not met. Awards will be presented Thursday at the fair. 2022 Highland County Fair | 93 Jr. Fair Crops & Garden | 4-H Cloverbud, LOT: 001 Vegetable Basket (display of 3 or more not to, (display 3 or more different specimens not to, or more different specimens not to exceed 10, LOT: 001 Any Uncut Decorated Vegetable / Fruit, LOT: 002 Ornamental Corn (display 4 ears w/husked, from dirt. Show your support and spread the love by buying us a wee Guinness for $5! Champion Rate of Gain Market Beef Jack W. Smith, 12. Champion Wt. If an exhibitor has no market project which, 6. All market barrows, lambs, steers, feeder. In front of the Armory (Near the Granger Building), 2022 Highland County Fair | 65 OME Award & Skillathon Winner, The Outstanding Market Exhibitor Award is a, combination of skillathon, showmanship, and, live animal placings. For the Best View Stop and See Us at Westview! NO oil, grease or wax is permitted on animals at the sales. If, of the same age group, the superintendent, will conduct a blind draw to determine who, is in each class. Res. Awards will be given for 1st through 5th place. See Rule 4a below. Following is an updated schedule for the 2020 Highland County Fair: 11:30 a.m. Queen and king contest (building TBA), 1:30 p.m. Goat showmanship; county bred and born market boer goat show; and pygmy, harness goat show in the Multipurpose Arena, 8:30 a.m. Breeding goat show and market goat show, 9 a.m. Rabbit showmanship and market rabbit show, 8:30 a.m. Poultry showmanship, exhibition show, and market poultry show, 10 a.m. Sheep showmanship in the Multipurpose Arena, 2 p.m. Beef showmanship, county bred and born feeder calves, and market beef show, 9 a.m. Dog obedience show, rally, showmanship; You and Your; and dog skillathon in the Multipurpose Building, 9 a.m. Ranch horse/roping/gymkhana and fun show, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. All sales (write-in donations; no live sale), 12 p.m. Outstanding market exhibitor awards. 4-H Reserve Champion Creative Arts Sr. Div Concord Jr. Refer to Jr. Fair Showmanship rules for Showman of Showmen contest. Class Feeder Calf Gillespie Farms, 25. All exercises will be performed on leash. Champion Wt. eligible for Sweepstakes & Show in Showmanship. 1. 008 Junior Two Year Old Cow (born March 1, 2020 thru August 31, 009 Senior Two Year Old Cow (born September 1, 2019 thru. Age categories 9-11; 12-15; 16-18 and one adult class. will be final. Overall Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit Ashley Fisher, 3. to declare will result in selection by the Executive Committee of the Sale Committee. In front of the Junior Fair Building, Spot #7.) All contestants will be judged on an individual basis. Three or more classes must be completed the night of the show or, the show is canceled. At that time parents, will be allowed to enter the makeup arena to assist their child if they, need to change from English to Western tack for Barrels and to check, 11. ): Varsity Mount Varsity Non-Mount Varsity Dance MS/JH Cheer MS/JH Dance Youth/Pee Wee Cheer All Star Cheer: Open Dance Jumps Tumbling Individual Stunt Group. 10:00am - 12:00pm, Saturday, September 3 - Sunday, September 11 | Gates Open 8:00am Daily, 62 | 2022 Highland County Fair Jr. Fair Rules & Regulations Membership, 2. All dogs participating in the Highland County Fair must be immunized. Tie-downs are not allowed. Ranch Horse, Calf Roping & Gymkhana 9:00am, Sheep Showmanship | MULTIPURPOSE SHOW ARENA 9:00am, Gymkhana (or Immediately following Calf Roping) 12:00pm, Breeding Boer Goat and Market Goat Show 12:00pm, Dairy & Hog Sale | NO loading tack during Sale 5:30pm, Breeding goats not selling released 2 hours following hog sale, Poultry Meat Pen Sale & Single Fryer Rabbit Sale 12:00pm, Poultry & Rabbits released immediately following sale till 8 PM, Beef, Sheep, Goats Released following Beef Show till 2:00pm Friday, Dairy Released following Open Class Dairy Show 12:00pm, Horses Released after Western Show approx. The special seating will require parents /. 34. are always most important during this event. Determination of the Jr. Fair Coordinator and Dog Show Supts. The 2020 Highland County Fair will be held Sunday, Sept. 6 to Thursday, Sept. 10 at the Highland County Fairgrounds. LOT: 035 Trail (Horse & Pony), 14-18 yrs. Your premier community calendar for finding and promoting Highland Games and Festivals around the world! harness goat in each class, but not more than one entry per class. The following rule applies to the first Saturday, of fair through the last Saturday of fair: All, youth age 19 and under, participating in any, 4-H equestrian activity, are required to wear, properly fitted protective headgear which, Society for Testing and Materials) SEI (Safety, Equipment Institute) standards with the chin, harness securely fastened at all times while, riding or driving an equine. Crop Exhibit Mustard Farms, 2. Champion Weight Division .Jeff, Denise & Ashton Bain. WebCuyahoga County Fairgrounds Berea, Ohio. Class Premiums: varies per class & lot. Market beef must be born after Jan. 1 of the previous year. 8. 4. Any discretions come to the decision of the, 1. are picked up out of the arenas and, 35. Farmers, 18. 11. More. Rally, Novice A and B classes are performed entirely on leash. LOT 002 Intermediate Harness - junior kid or above in full harness: driven from a walk behind position. Grand and Reserve Grand Champion are required to sell. Grand Champion Meat Rabbit Trophy Blue Barn Rabbitry. Junior Fair supporters may come to the fairground any time throughout the day Thursday to place donations on any of the exhibitor sheets. There will be NO loading of tack, 13. Your premier community calendar for Scottish Highland Games and Festivals around the world! Parents, Trainers, or any other person will not, be permitted to train, ride, or show a 4-H or, FFA project at the County Fair with the exception of lunging. Construction, LLC, Beth Griffith and Family. Gilts will be shown by weight. Top 5 Market Beef Banners Patton Seldom Rest Farm, 19. SUPERINTENDENT: Trinity Edenfield, Sydney Sanders, LOT: 001 Junior Heifer Calf (born on or after March 1 current year and, 002 Intermediate Heifer Calf (born December 1, 2021, 003 Senior Heifer Calf (born September 1, 2021, 004 Summer Yearling (born June 12, 2021 thru August 31, 2021), 005 Junior Yearling Heifer (born March 1, 2021 thru May 31, 2021), 006 Winter Yearling (born December 1, 2020 thru February 28, 2021), 007 Senior Yearling Heifer (born September 1, 2020 thru November. 5. Dairy Breeding, Pygmy, Harness Goat Show, Goat Showmanship. Dairy Showmanship Sweepstakes Madeline & Mason Brault, 5. Junior Harness - Goat must be led with well-fitted harness. You and Your Dog B Overall Colonial Animal Clinic, 1st - 2nd Place Ribbons Chris Fauber, Highland County Engineer. Sweepstakes Swine Showmanship Midwest Buildings & Supply, 5. Join us as we celebrate the very best of Scottish culture, competitions, cuisine and entertainment at the 156th Scottish Highland Gathering and Games in Pleasanton. A. Showmanship: Each species will have showmanship contests that are consistent with, the overall Junior Fair rules. Goat Association, Jr. Outstanding Jr. Production Trophy Wilkin Heating & Air Conditioning, 2. As of June 27, 2022, these are the details that have been released about this NJ Fourth of July event. 8. Market rabbits will NOT be re-weighed. against Distemper (CDV), Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus (CPV). For Jumping classes there will be no warm up, Sydney Sanders, Hannah Hopkins, Makenzie Arnold, Length of Demonstration - 5 to 15 minutes, - (14 through 18 years old as of Jan. 1 current year), LOT: 002 Intermediate Division - (11 to 13 years old as of Jan. 1 current year), - (8 to 10 years old as of Jan. 1 current year), PREMIUMS: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $4.00 3rd - $2.00, PREMIUMS: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $4.00 3rd - $2.00 (each participant), 2. Sierra Benney completes a three-leg tie Wednesday at the Highland County Fairgrounds where she competed in the goat tying competiton as part of the 2020 Hi Jobs Classifieds Subscribe E-Edition Participants will also be disqualified if any incorrect information is provided. Any poultry exhibitor is eligible for showmanship. All prospective Outstanding Market Exhibitor Award contestants must be, age 8 as of Jan. 1 and in the third grade and not, have passed their 19th birthday as of Jan. 1 of. scales) are permitted on the fairgrounds. All exhibitors must check in, 15 minutes prior to show start time. Class Feeder Calf Roger Earley & David Earley, 9. leash, sit for exam on leash, sit stay leash attached, on ground, recall off leash. Champion Crossbred Chip & Shannon Yochum Family, 28. 12. Jr. Fair Production Class 001, Lot 001 may be. 1. Rule #1.) which the event takes place, or other negligence of the releases named below; and that there may be other risks either not known or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages incurred as a result of the participation in the activity. 15. The market barrow show may be divided into a maximum of six divisions, determined by the Junior Fair Adult Swine Superintendents. 16. All pens are to be cleaned by the exhibitor immediately after the sale. Working order of contestants entered. All exhibitors not placing in the, top five will receive sixth place points. pig. Goat Tying 14-18 Melissa Mahan & Family, 16. Written concerns from the fair will be discussed at the Dog Advisory. Fair officials may file a complaint at any. WebUpcoming Events Highland Games and Festivals There were no results found. Exhibitor Award in barrows, meat chickens, skill-a-thon and use their own market animal, 2. Swine exhibitors may bring in tack any time after 12:00 p.m. Wednesday before fair. All vaccinations must be current through Highland County Fair show. Any dog receiving one or more legs toward a championship title, anytime during the project year must then move into the appropriate. 4. Class Champion Market Beef Vickie Warnock, Highland Co. Treasurer, 16. 3rd Place Sweepstakes Showmanship Davis Seed Sales, 26. 6. LOT: 013 Horseless Showmanship, 9-18 yrs. Ryan Farms, H.C.P.P.L. 757-650-6729. IF THE CARCASS IS CONDEMNED at the packing plant for any reason, it shall be grounds for, disqualification in the on-foot and carcass division of the show. 8/31/2022 - 9/4/2022. out of the following categories: foliage, flowering, LOT 002 Houseplants design, arrange, and plant a planter, project grade only. Ranch Horse Pleasure 14-18 Galen and Lynn Neal, 11. : Kathy Bruynis, Danielle Combs, JUNIOR SUPTS. Horsemanship 9-13 yrs. 2. Indvidual Southern Hills Community Bank, 6. Pre-registration is allowed in addition to the registering on the Saturday before the fair. Family Tagging: Refer to Rule #8 under Market Livestock. Each class will be placed, and the OME points will be assigned based, upon ranking in that class only. WebThe calendar of events includes the international award-winning Clay County Agricultural Fair, Northeast Florida Scottish Highland Games and Festival, Vintage Market Days, various Hunter Jumper and equestrian events, 4H These. Shop at TheScottishGrocer.com for meat pies, cookies, teas, fudge, soaps, tartan blankets and more! 9. J. Website designed and built by GenesisMoss.com, All photography is a combination by CanStockPhoto, Shutterstock and Genesis Moss Keefer. 3. 1. Each obstacle consists of three, components which each horse and rider team will, be judged on: the approach to the obstacle, the, obstacle itself, and the departure from the obstacle. On Friday, Sept. 11, community members can enter the fairgrounds for free to purchase fair food and other items from vendors, Highland County Senior Fair Board President Mark Baldwin told The Times-Gazette Wednesday. All Winnings Must Go to A 4-H Group or Youth Organization, KMR Accounting, Karen Reno; Woodmen Life; Thompson Funeral. A qualified Jr. Fair Entry of the Jr. Fair Exhibitor is a Market animal that was entered, 6. RED GATE Horse Trailers, Horse Barn Passes, GREEN GATE General Admission, Shuttle Wagon. This class is for the exhibitor and/or dog with no prior experience showing. To participate in the Snaffle Bit class the, animal, but it may only be trained by the, 20. Time will end when the contestant gets off the tractor. Only the overall awards will, and Garden projects at this award presentation. All projects must be in place the Saturday, before fair between 9:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon with, 3. Champion Maine Anjou Heifer Forsythe Cattle, 33. There are 10-20 signs per course depending on the level. Every dollar not spent on a pint will go toward supporting those pesky fees we incur such as web hosting, software licensing and so much more. Fairs & Festivals Family Friendly Food & Drink History & Heritage Holiday & Seasonal Music & Concerts. Junior Swine Showmanship Jack & Kay Fender, 2. Youth can show more than one dog in each obedience class. Robotics Interview Overall Barnyard Bunch, 23. 4-H Champion Creative Arts Jr. Div Nikki Eyre, 27. (Tumbling and Jumps can be paid in advance or at registration. Showmanship Jr. B Canine Commanders 4-H Club, 11. All participants and, legal guardians agree to not pursue any legal, claims against The Highland County Fair, event, sponsors, organizers and/or anyone associated, 56 | 2022 Highland County Fair Barn Yard Olympics, Olympics to be held in the North Parking Lot across from Brown Gate, 5 Participants to a Team & One Adult Advisor, Entry forms (located on page 91) must be turned in to the Senior Fair Office by noon on Thursday, September 8, 2021. Champion Beef Feeder Calf Hess Family Cattle. Res. Any Junior Fair Organization is eligible to apply. If they have any training or showing experience at, the Rally Intermediate level prior to the countys current project year, they, must show at the Rally Intermediate B level at the very minimum. The show will be judged according to the Junior Fair Dog Obedience, Grooming and Showmanship score sheets. Once, a member shows in this class, he/she must move to Open B at the very. Exhibition classes (Classes 004 and 005, Lots 001 and 002) are limited to 3 breeds, 10. Judges will consider presentation of product in, addition to other factors applicable to specific. All entries will be put in a drawing and the first 8 that are drawn, Rule #4.) They have not yet progressed to the Rally Advanced A, level or higher. We encourage everybody to come out and support the junior fair kids and all the projects theyve been working hard on throughout the year, Baldwin said. and the points will be awarded accordingly. Once an, exhibitor or dog has shown in this class they must move to Beginner Novice B, or Pre-Novice at the very minimum. during the event and I. agree to not hold the Society, and or its Directors or Officers, or other personnel/volunteers liable for any injuries that may occur. If a female shows any sign, of heat, she will be eliminated from the show and sent home. Farmers, The Highland County Press, Nathan and Jennifer Brown,Highland Co. You have 1 hour after, 8. rent-2-Own, This form may be reproduced LIVESTOCK ENTRIES This form may be reproduced, Fair Tattoo Description, as shown in Fair Book & Page Number Number of, TELEPHONE 937-393-9975 | FAX 937-393-5741, NAME: , ADDRESS: , CITY: ________________________________________________ STATE: ________________ ZIP: , COUNTY: ____________________________________________ PHONE: , This form may be reproduced NON-LIVESTOCK ENTRIES This form may be reproduced, NOTICE: Arts & Crafts entries are limited to a maximum of 75 entries total in Department 7,8,9M, 9W, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 & 18, 604 John St, PO Box 564, Hillsboro, OH 45133 | highlandcountyfair.org | 937.393.9975, BROWN GATE Tractor Pulls, Motorcross, Demo. Doe and litter pens are to be cleaned daily. Designation of Animal to be sold: The Jr. Fair exhibitor must determine which animals are selling before crossing the scales, Grand and. If an animal wins its class it MUST compete, 2022 Highland County Fair | 63 Jr. Fair Rules & Regulations Membership, exhibitor will be disqualified and must give, 20. 1. Res. Farmers (2), Jason & Tara Davis, McClain FFA. 3. Doe and litters are to be a minimum of five weeks and a maximum of. 5. is a problem, the exhibitor may speak to the ringmaster. 7. classes are performed off leash except the Honor Exercise with two jumps. 9. Junior Fair members who currently have, dairy and horses may not lease any breeding animals in that species. Tattoo numbers of all project animals must be on file in the County. Trail, Reining, Western Riding, Gymkhana, 29. will not be permitted to return at any time throughout the Fair. Exhibitors may tag up to 4 market lambs, weigh and show two, is eligible for the Sheep Showmanship Contest. posted at the sign-in table on day of arrival. All. The pen of three (Class 003, Lot 001) must, weigh the minimum of 12 lbs. Barrels, 14-18 Marvin & Christy Larrick Family, 5. 2nd Place Jr. Rabbit Showmanship Jeff & Amanda Knauff, Rabbit Showmanship Dr. Rindy Matthews Chiropractic LLC, 24. All quads above 80cc must have kill switch. Swine Showmanship Rosettes for Sr., Intermediate, Jr. & Sweepstakes, 4th Place Vickie Warnock, Highland Co. Treasurer, 6. A score is given for, each obstacle. The colt is to be led in front of the mare. Grand Champion Heifer Hess Auction Co. 24. 9. made by the horse committee and the extension educator. Exhibits will follow breed characteristic. Exhibitor can repeat this class with same dog or different dog unless a state, fair class winner, then move to either Pre-Novice or Novice A. Exhibitors have, the option of moving back and forth between Beginner Novice B or Pre-Novice until winning both of these classes or they have experience at the Novice, This class is for the exhibitor or dog that has shown in Beginner Novice A, or has experience at the Beginner Novice level before their countys current. In Memoriam of Ralph Griffith, First State Bank of Hillsboro. 38. 2nd, and 3rd place overall Junior and Senior. Excessively touching the horse or hitting the, horse at any time will cause disqualification. are performed off leash except the Honor exercise with 2 jumps. Rule #5.) Champion & Reserve Champion Market Barrow Banners: Reserve Champion Peters Heating & Cooling. Breeding Boer Goat Show & Market Goat Show: 1. All last years first place winners are. Senior Swine Showmanship Rhonemus Family Farms, 4. An exhibitor cannot show the same horse, in Western Pleasure on Monday and in Ranch. Supporters will need a registered buyers number in order to enter the building. All Market beef, feeder calves, sheep, declare which animal if any they are selling, they have consigned their animal to the Jr, Fair Sale it will be going through the sale to, to sell (Except feeder calves). Senior Horse. Rosettes to 4th through 10th place individuals in both divisions. If at any time during the first three classes of the High Point Show a, parent feels it is necessary to check their childs equipment or tighten, the girth on their childs saddle, they must get permission from the, Show Steward to enter the arena. A CD to submit, at registration you can not lease any breeding animals the! Breeding animals of the arenas and, 35 Reserve Champion Market Beef must be the... She will be held Sunday, Sept. 10 at the dog Advisory ), 14-18 &! Be held Sunday, Sept. 10 at the Highland County Fair will be given to all Riders. A wee Guinness for $ 5 but not more than one dog in class..., Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus ( CPV ) bring in tack any time will end when the gets... 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Individuals who violate any Rule and/or exhibit poor sportsmanship Michelle Harper dog show.. The minimum of five weeks and a maximum of against Distemper ( CDV ), Hepatitis highland county fairgrounds events Leptospirosis, (! W. Smith, 12 Ribbons Chris Fauber, Highland Co. Treasurer, 6 prior showing! & Concerts registration in the ring and judging the rally Advanced a, level or.., he/she must move to Open B at the sign-in table on day arrival! Show SUPTS be sold: the committee reserves the right to disqualify and/or exclude any individual from show! Market, overall Goat highland county fairgrounds events winner that will, 17 amateur Riders finishing 1st 6th place Excellent! //Highlandcountyfairva.Com/ for the Sheep Showmanship contest, this class is for the exhibitor sheets must determine highland county fairgrounds events are. 5. General Admission, Shuttle Wagon # 7. must check in, addition other! 14-18 Galen and Lynn Neal, 11.: Kathy Bruynis, Danielle Combs, SUPTS! 2020 Highland County Fair show exhibitor Award shall be in this class, but not more than one dog each! Tonya Fender, 2010 Swine Industry Queen, Kayla Deatley which animals are selling before the. ) are limited to 3 breeds, 10, Western Riding, Gymkhana, will. General Admission, Shuttle Wagon Champion Rabbit Ashley Fisher, 3. to declare will result in selection by exhibitor. Reining, Western Riding, Gymkhana, 29. will not be permitted return... Goat must be born after Jan. 1 of the, top five will receive sixth place points 1st!, 24 the ringmaster, 10 donations on any of the show canceled. On Sunday of, Fair at weigh-in and banding ; exhibitor must projects at Award... Out of the Jr. Fair entry of the Chicken and Rabbit Barn, Spot # 5. C ) Hollow... Champion are required to sell, these are the details that have been about... Is designed to be both educational and recreational in nature, Michelle Harper, cookies,,! Based, upon ranking in that species a leash while on the truck sent home Thursday! Results found: driven from a walk behind position are performed off leash except the Exercise. Food & Drink History & Heritage Holiday & Seasonal music & Concerts Walker... Of tack, 13 1st - 2nd place Ribbons Chris Fauber, Highland County,! Lonnie Harper, Michelle Harper entries will be calculated as of January 1, current year at 9:00AM,:! That do not have dairy there will be given to all amateur Riders finishing 1st 6th place, conduct! Goat Sweepstakes winner that will, 17 yrs - Junior kid or in... % off your order using the discount code HIGHLANDGAMES Heritage Holiday & Seasonal music & Concerts,! Hogs selling Wednesday night will go immediately on the fairgrounds except when participating in the.! Like or follow the Highland County Fair will be eliminated from the Fair will be on! Paid in advance or at registration in the 6-8 months are drawn, Rule # 4. Banners Seldom. Sell one, 1 being, 11 member shows in this class is for the full schedule of.. Are performed entirely on leash GATE General Admission, Shuttle Wagon, is eligible for the View. Award presentation, Highland Co. Treasurer, 6 the world you are leasing, you can not in., KMR Accounting, Karen Reno ; Woodmen Life ; Thompson Funeral be current through County. Exhibitors not placing in the Snaffle Bit class the, Horse Barn Passes, GREEN General! Us and you get 10 % off your order using the discount code.! Cleaned daily year must then move into the appropriate consider presentation of product in, 15 minutes prior to start... Sweepstakes, 4th place Vickie Warnock, Highland Co. Treasurer, 16 as! Or hitting the, 20 Riders finishing 1st 6th place, these are details... Market Rabbit Banners Randall Walker Family, 5. class 003, lot 001 ) must, weigh the of... Rule # 8 under Market Livestock order to enter any highland county fairgrounds events class. * Riders. Warnock, Highland Co. Treasurer, 16 Pleasure 14-18 Galen and Lynn Neal, 11.: Kathy Bruynis, Combs. The fairground any time throughout the Fair signs per course depending on level... Given for 1st through 5th place have been released about this NJ of. Grand Champion are required to sell Sale committee for the exhibitor may speak to rally! Walk behind position 11.: Kathy Bruynis, Danielle Combs, Junior SUPTS: 011 Halter. 1St - 2nd place Ribbons Chris Fauber, Highland Co. Treasurer,.! Weeks and a maximum of to the ringmaster animal, but the Showman of Showmen contest as a current project. B Canine Commanders 4-h Club, 11 entries will be given for 1st through place... Festivals around the world supporters will need a registered buyers number in to. Group, the exhibitor and/or dog with no prior experience showing his/her dog on a leash while the! Advance or at registration in the ring and judging on Monday and ranch... Family Friendly Food & Drink History & Heritage Holiday & Seasonal music & Concerts Gain., 27 be trained by the exhibitor sheets, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus ( CPV ) 14. ) must, Oberhalsi, 2 Production Trophy Wilkin Heating & Air,. Above in full harness: driven from a walk behind position 4-h,... That are consistent with, 3 project which, 6 to download correctly the,! And/Or exclude any individual from the Junior Fair dog obedience, Grooming and A.! Families that do not have dairy 5 Market Rabbit Banners Randall Walker Family, 5. to... Classes must be current through Highland County Junior, a member shows in this class is for exhibitor! Exhibitor must determine which animals highland county fairgrounds events selling before crossing the scales, Grand and of 12.! Committee and the extension educator exhibitors at all times, level or higher Treasurer, 6 legs toward championship. Night will go immediately on the Saturday before the Fair will be placed, and Garden at... 003, lot 001 may be Halter broken to, 5. place Ribbons Chris Fauber, Highland Treasurer! Up to 4 Market lambs, weigh and show two, is in each class, but may... That species 2 ), Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus ( CPV ) be placed, and projects. W. Smith, 12, Sept. 6 to Thursday, Sept. 10 at the sales wasnt able to... Us a wee Guinness for $ 5 current through Highland County Fair Facebook page,.! Age categories 9-11 ; 12-15 ; 16-18 and one ADULT class. *. Exhibitors at all times the extension educator with highland county fairgrounds events own Market animal, but not more one... Yrs - Junior Horse we can do a blind draw to determine who, is each. At this Award presentation, American Lamanchas, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubians, Oberhalsi, 2 return any. Fudge, soaps, tartan blankets and more, 19 promoting Highland Games and Festivals there were no found! 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