is united american patriots a legitimate organization
Read the reports, scroll through the list of veterans charities we've reviewed (below), and come back here to ask your questions about veterans charities if we haven't already reviewed the charity you are asking about. Try a low commitment monthly plan today. See the metrics below for more information. But what happens to those hard-earned dollars you donate to charity?
Herbert Donahue, a retired U.S. Marine Corps major who served in the Vietnam War, founded the group in 2005. WebUnited American Patriots has earned a 68% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. One source claims that the group only donates pennies on the dollar to charities, while another source claims that the WWP hates gun owners because they declined to appear on a gun talk radio show. United American Patriots 5-year plan includes expanding the Warrior Fund mission to take on military cases where unlawful command influence infringes on an accuseds constitutional rights and seeking Uniform Code of Military Justice reform to create a presumption that combat shots are presumed good shots. UAP generates positive public awareness and support for our Nations Warriors, their Constitutional Rights, and their Families, via public speaking engagements, presentations, and panel discussions; interactions with Senators, Congressmen, and their staff on Capitol Hill; messaging via social media; and crafting & distributing letters, press releases, and information graphics.
UAP, Inc - United American Patriots | Alexandria VA. Not too bad. 6,613 talking about this. Learn more about Sustainable Development Goals. WebThis charity's score is 88%, earning it a Three-Star rating. Americans have repeatedly been proven to be the most generous people on the planet. One cant be a real American patriot if he or she supports the US Constitution only when his or her party prevails. Classification ( NTEE ) Scholarships, Student Financial Aid Services, Awards (Educational Institutions and Related Activities) Nonprofit Tax Code Designation: 501 (c) (3) Defined as: Organizations for any of the following purposes: UAP is a completely citizen-funded, veteran-run, non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Outcome - describing the effects on people or issues. Webfor the United Patriots of America. Are they being used for the purpose you intended? On top of that, nearly 25% of their funds are used for fundraising, which generates 75 cents on the dollar. We, as Patriotic Americans, are United in our belief that all people are created equal and are extremely grateful for those who voluntarily support and defend our Constitution and our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. -- Once our Warriors are released, UAPs WARRIOR FUND assists with the transition from unlawful incarceration to productive and healthy participation in our society. Is it a scam? Seeking feedback from people served makes programs more responsive and effective. Rating: F Program %: 37% Overhead %: 63% Cost to Raise each $100 in Cash Support: $63 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2019 From CharityWatch Analyst Notes:
Herbert Bill Donohue. to get more GuideStar Nonprofit Profile data today! We've been getting a number of questions about organizations we've already reviewed. Karen, thank you for your question. WebUNITED AMERICAN PATRIOTS INC. ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-2840 | Tax-exempt since June 2005. The CEO did pocket $375,000, which is 0.23% of all funds available. We have long-term strategic plans and measurable goals for creating a culture such that ones race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization. Beyond being within regulations, the percentage of Wounded Warrior Project money that is donated to their stated cause is 38% of all funds. The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund ( was established in , How to help local wounded warriors? UAP supports the execution of three main elements of our mission through generous individual contributions to our Warrior Fund. These contributions are generated primarily through our relationships with professional fundraising partners and are used as follows: 1. So we've temporarily suspended the ability to ask a question. Unfortunately, while performing honorably, as trained, against our Nations enemies, in some of the most volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments in the world, our own government wrongfully accuses and convicts some of our Nation's Warriors of "War Crimes." The First Rock Star President to Take on the Establishment Papa Delta Tango. Webfor the United Patriots of America. Register now. WebUnited American Patriots has earned a 68% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. Just as important, however, is researching accusations against such groups before accepting the word of any who would seek to discredit them. I wanted to write a check & so I checked this website. about GuideStar Pro. Recently, however, they have been accused of being a scam and donating an insignificant portion of their funds to their declared cause. **Updated information , Foundation for American VeteransA reader asks: Those who have fought for our Rights should not have to fight alone for their own. When asked if you want to be notified when your page is published, say yes, and enter your e-mail address. I didn't see a rating for 'Foundation for American Veterans' in Michigan. -- UAPs WARRIOR FUND also provides modest stipends to our Nations Warriors while they are incarcerated to offset expenses their family may incur while traveling for visitation and to provide some relief for our Warriors in the form of magazine subscriptions and small prison commissary purchases. ***The best legal defense; In America, even when someone is perceived to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, or may even admit to conducting unseemly and criminal acts, we still provide them their Right to due process. They solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic These Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen consistently risk life and limb to bravely go in harm's way on our behalf. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence. Before , Stop Unwanted Charity Calls from Telemarketing ServicesAre you tired of being harassed by telemarketing services on behalf of veterans charities? A verification email has been sent to you. They have extensive backgrounds representing business management, executive placement, Information Technology, entrepreneurship, consulting, law, and the Armed Forces. WebDEFENDING OUR DEFENDERS For over 12 years, UAP has been facilitating legal support for our Nations Warriors who have been wrongfully accused or convicted of War Crimes or who have faced Courts Martial which have been improperly impacted by undue command influence, and providing transitional assistance. Disabled American Veterans (DAV) , Requesting Donation to Charity with Free GiftsI just received a "free" gift from National Veterans Foundation (NVF). What significant change resulted from feedback? WebThis is a list of active and armed militia organizations in the United States. This overall score is calculated from multiple beacon scores: 80% Accountability & Finance, 10% Leadership & Adaptability, 10% Culture & Community. UAP generates public awareness, funds legal representation, and provides reintegration support for our nation's warriors to preserve our rights, defend our defenders, and enhance our communities. WebWe, as Patriotic Americans, are United in our belief that all people are created equal and are extremely grateful for those who voluntarily support and defend our Constitution and our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. WebWe, as Patriotic Americans, are United in our belief that all people are created equal and are extremely grateful for those who voluntarily support and defend our Constitution and our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. As we previously reported, some veterans charities are short-changing our nation's veterans. How is your organization using feedback from the people you serve? I could not find anything about them on your site. UAPs Founder. We have now received and reviewed the requested financial information from National Veterans Foundation. THE ANSWER: United American Patriots (UAP, Inc.), a Northern Virginia based non-profit organization designated under IRS regulation 501(c)(3), whose Warrior Fund mission is to provide resources to service members accused of crime in combat: the idea being our volunteers who serve in harms way to protect our United States Constitution and American way of life, deserve the most pristine of trials especially every constitutional right they have served to protect. The Childrens Cancer Recovery Foundation is one of 8 similarly dubious charities run by Greg Anderson. UAP Receives Contributions from Across our Nation to Promote, Defend, and Support our Nation's Warriors. Who works and leads organizations that serve our diverse communities? UAPs Founder. They are listed at 2815 100th street , National Veterans Services FundA reader asks: Is that a legitimate organization? WebBased on their assessment of WWP, they have an 86% score. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. This feature has been so popular, we can't keep up with all your questions. Do you have information about the Wounded Warrior Project? The people, governance practices, and partners that make the organization tick. Does the board conduct a formal orientation for new board members and require all board members to sign a written agreement regarding their roles, responsibilities, and expectations? As of this writing, we have a list of more than 65 charities awaiting review in response to your requests. What do you recommend as the best charities to contribute to that help wounded or disabled vets? WebThis is a list of active and armed militia organizations in the United States. I receive ongoing solicitations from several veterans charities. 6,613 talking about this. Classification ( NTEE ) Scholarships, Student Financial Aid Services, Awards (Educational Institutions and Related Activities) Nonprofit Tax Code Designation: 501 (c) (3) Defined as: Organizations for any of the following purposes: UAP provides support for transitioning warriors to assist with reintegration into our civilian society. UAPs WARRIOR FUND ensures those who swore an oath to support and defend our Constitutional Rights have theirs protected as well. Candid has made improvements to the race and ethnicity options. WebUnited American Patriots (UAP), Inc. informs the President, Congress, and the Public; funds legal representation; and supports reintegration for U.S. Warriors. Is that a legitimate organization? Please, before you submit a question, look through the list below to see if we've already reviewed it. How much do they give to aid veterans? WebUnited American Patriots (UAP) is an American nonprofit organization which advocates and funds legal defense for American servicemembers they believe to have been unjustly convicted and wrongfully imprisoned on war crimes charges. UAP funds legal defense teams to preserve our Nation's Warriors' rights and to defend against wrongful accusations & convictions of "war crimes" or cases of demonstrated Unlawful Command Influence (UCI). WebUnited Proud Patriots Veterans Organization I recently got a telemarketer call looking for a donation to United Proud Patriots Veterans Organization. UPA Report 8.23.14. We love America! Join us if you do too and let's make America great again. It's a hard question but an important one. How does this organization measure their results? According to Charity Navigator, WWP is very transparent with their foundation and is well within the regulations set forth by the IRS. If you didn't find the veterans charity you were looking for, use this search box to find it on the site. If the veterans charity you're interested in is not listed, use the form above to submit your inquiry. We love America! We demonstrated a willingness to learn more by reviewing resources about feedback practice. This is our home. , Vietnam Veterans Of AmericaDo you have a rating for Vietnam Veterans of America (the national organization)? , Direct help to military families? Learn more, Already have a GuideStar Account? WebBased on their assessment of WWP, they have an 86% score. WebThis charity's score is 88%, earning it a Three-Star rating. If an individuals Rights are unlawfully taken away, it destroys the foundation upon which our Nation is built. While the two largest militias are the Oath Keepers and the 3 Percenters, there are numerous smaller groups. So before you donate to charity, be sure to check out the charity's record. Benefits range from funding medical procedures and counseling (due to the loss of VA benefits) to continued legal support and employment assistance. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. I went to look up the best veterans charity that would help our military the most. Wounded Soldiers Foundation? This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. Before we accuse groups of being a scam, however, we need to do our homework. Three of our five Board Members are retired military officers Two U.S. Marines and One U.S. Army. The caller was extremely cheerful and relayed how the previous person he , Your Local Phone Company Can Stop Unwanted Telemarketing CallsYou may be able to eliminate many unwanted telemarketing calls by taking advantage of custom calling services offered by your local phone company. UAPs Founder. We have community representation at the board level, either on the board itself or through a community advisory board. Rating: F Program %: 37% Overhead %: 63% Cost to Raise each $100 in Cash Support: $63 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2019 From CharityWatch Analyst Notes: SOURCE: Self-reported; last updated 6/19/2022. UAP focuses primarily on Warriors who have been wrongfully accused & unjustly convicted of "War Crimes" and those who have not been properly recognized for acts of valor. UPA Report 8.23.14. We disaggregate data to adjust programming goals to keep pace with changing needs of the communities we support. Sponsorship of highly dedicated teams: UAP pays for fees and associated expenses for our Nation's Warriors to have the best, highly dedicated teams of attorneys, investigators, experts, graphic artists, and consultants: 2.1. As with all his other worthy endeavors, the Childrens Cancer Recovery Foundation uses the underhand tactic of passing off soliciting calls as charitable donations on their tax returns. Is this a legitimate veterans charity, and what , U.S. What challenges does the organization face when collecting feedback? WebUnited Proud Patriots Veterans Organization I recently got a telemarketer call looking for a donation to United Proud Patriots Veterans Organization. Thanks, WebThe United Constitutional Patriots, a border militia founded by felon Larry Hopkins, stationed itself on the U.S.-Mexico border to detain migrants crossing into the United States. As with all his other worthy endeavors, the Childrens Cancer Recovery Foundation uses the underhand tactic of passing off soliciting calls as charitable donations on their tax returns. I asked , American Veterans FoundationCan you tell me anything about American Veterans Foundation? It seems to be one of the oldest and largest veterans charities. WebUnited American Patriots (UAP) is an American nonprofit organization which advocates and funds legal defense for American servicemembers they believe to have been unjustly convicted and wrongfully imprisoned on war crimes charges. Webfor the United Patriots of America. DEFENDING OUR DEFENDERS 2.2. This, again, is not the best, but it is good. Joe, we started our research on the web site for the National Vietnam , Disabled American VeteransHow effective is Disabled American Veterans? If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence. I recently saw a PGA ad on TV showing a left-handed wheelchair-bound soldier swinging a right-handed golf club. ***Visitation from loved ones while incarcerated; and Many of these operations masquerade as charities that claim to benefit vets. (Or, if you prefer an alphabetical list to make the charity you're interested in easier to find, you'll find an alphabetical list of veterans charities we've reviewed on our site map. See the metrics below for more information. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence. UAP generates public awareness, funds legal representation, and provides reintegration support for our nation's warriors to preserve our rights, defend our defenders, and enhance our communities. TO DEFEND AGAINST WRONGFUL ACCUSATIONS & CONVICTIONS: UAP ensures our Nations Warriors receive the best legal representation during investigations, pretrial hearings, courts-martial, separation boards, clemency boards, appeals, habeas corpus, executive commutation, clemency, and Presidential Pardons.3. According to Charity Navigator, WWP is very transparent with their foundation and is well within the regulations set forth by the IRS. or 501 C19 organizations. costs are 15% but they , Marine Corps LeagueWhat is the rating for the Marine Corps League? Four powerful questions that require reflection about what really matters - results. This is our home. Our software does this automatically, so we can't list them alphabetically here, but you will find an alphabetical list on our site map. . Is that a legitimate organization? 46 were here. We employ non-traditional ways of gathering feedback on programs and trainings, which may include interviews, roundtables, and external reviews with/by community stakeholders. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. And yet theres a huge chasm between concepts and conduct. can cost hundreds of thousands more. WebDEFENDING OUR DEFENDERS For over 12 years, UAP has been facilitating legal support for our Nations Warriors who have been wrongfully accused or convicted of War Crimes or who have faced Courts Martial which have been improperly impacted by undue command influence, and providing transitional assistance. US Patriot Invites Singer Chuck Briseno to Play at Hero Hut, NEW Garmont AR670-1 & AFI 36-2903 Compliant Boot, Veterans and Firefighters Conduct Rescue Ops In Ukraine, Navy Uniform Regulations: Boots and Accessories. The Childrens Cancer Recovery Foundation is one of 8 similarly dubious charities run by Greg Anderson. That is not the best, but it is a far cry from being a scam. I go to great lengths to be sure that when I make a contribution to an organization , Honorable Veterans Charities? We love America! UAP, Inc - United American Patriots | Alexandria VA. Background [ edit] Main article: American militia movement The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader 6,613 talking about this. -- Without UAPs support, an unjustly accused proud Warrior is forced to beg and borrow for money from friends and family, take out a mortgage on his family home, sell his family car, and acquire massive debt which he cannot possibly repay on a military salary, without a salary while incarcerated, or while attempting to find work after incarceration if he is branded with a wrongful felony conviction and other than honorable discharge. UPA Report 8.09.15 United Patriots of America. We seek individuals from various race backgrounds for board and executive director/CEO positions within our organization. This page is run by Patriot Journal TO PRESERVE RIGHTS: UAPs funded teams ensures our Nations Warriors Rights are preserved and any unlawful command influence (UCI) is addressed when in contact with military justice authorities. Click here to resend it.). Learn more United American Patriots has a mission to generate public awareness, fund legal representation, and provide reintegration and functional support for our Nation's Warriors. This is our home. 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation, After not guilty verdict for Draher and Negron of MARSOC 3, appeals court to decide fate of Gilmets case, Born To Serve Reaches Quarterfinals of Los Angeles International Screenplay Competition, Highlighting MARSOC 3 Case, Marine Corps acts on prior threats against military lawyers who defended accused Marines and Sailor. What can you tell me about the National Veterans Services Fund? Join us if you do too and let's make America great again. Herbert Donahue, a retired U.S. Marine Corps major who served in the Vietnam War, founded the group in 2005. Know More. While the two largest militias are the Oath Keepers and the 3 Percenters, there are numerous smaller groups. The images of them in hand and leg irons, prior to any finding of guilt, saddened and offended the Major, who had seen combat, and was awarded the Purple Heart, more than once during his service in Vietnam. Learn More Do you have questions about veterans charities? I am a World War 2 veteran living , US Navy Veterans AssociationWhat can you tell me about the U.S. Navy Veterans Association? It's hard , Veterans Accredited ProgramsI have been asked to contribute to Veterans Accredited Programs - $45 for a gift basket for veterans. The Childrens Cancer Recovery Foundation is one of 8 similarly dubious charities run by Greg Anderson. When it all comes down to it, it is very important to find charity groups that do what they claim to do with our money. DEFENDING OUR DEFENDERS -- UAPs WARRIOR FUND provides the finances necessary to support our Nations Warriors who have been wrongfully accused or convicted of war crimes or who have faced Courts Martial which have been improperly impacted by undue command influence. and who do the programs serve? UPA Report 8.09.15 United Patriots of America. They tell me that they use Vets to solicit the money, so admin. See the metrics below for more information. As it stands now, a charitable organization can maintain its favorable IRS determination by contributing a mere 5% (or in some cases, just 1%) of the revenue it raises to its charitable cause. Before you donate to charity, we hope you'll read our reviews and ratings of veteran charities. I was awakened early in the day by a charity calling for charity donations. This list is comprised of your inquiries and our responses, in chronological order. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. UAP aims to give them this chance. Our Government exists to protect our unalienable Rights of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" as highlighted in our Declaration of Independence and detailed in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. That is not the best, but it is a far cry from being a scam. Major, USMC (Ret.) We don't have any major challenges to collecting feedback. According to Charity Navigator, WWP is very transparent with their foundation and is well within the regulations set forth by the IRS. Copyright 2023 US Patriot Tactical. Wounded Soldiers FoundationWhat can you tell me about the U.S. The list is in chronological order, not alphabetical, so you need to go all the way to the bottom of the list. Citizens voluntarily serve in our Armed Forces to enable our government to preserve our Rights. Learn about the organization's key goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress. WebDEFENDING OUR DEFENDERS For over 12 years, UAP has been facilitating legal support for our Nations Warriors who have been wrongfully accused or convicted of War Crimes or who have faced Courts Martial which have been improperly impacted by undue command influence, and providing transitional assistance. UAP Supports our Nation's UAP achieves its ability to promote, defend, and support, our Nation's Warriors through the generous donations from patriotic Americans across our Country who represent the entire social, economic, ethnic, religious, gender, orientation, and political spectrum which our Nation's Warriors represent and which makes our Nation great.UAP consists of hundreds of thousands of highly patriotic, dedicated, and concerned American citizens from across our great country. WebUnited American Patriots (UAP) is an American nonprofit organization which advocates and funds legal defense for American servicemembers they believe to have been unjustly convicted and wrongfully imprisoned on war crimes charges. Rating: F Program %: 37% Overhead %: 63% Cost to Raise each $100 in Cash Support: $63 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2019 From CharityWatch Analyst Notes: Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? Simply maintaining emotional stability and a healthy relationship with ones own family, spouse and children can become overwhelming, not to mention the necessity to gain financially stable and sustainable, if not meaningful, employment to make ends meet.These highly capable and diligent Warriors who volunteered to go in harms way on our behalf are ready willing, and able to continue being highly productive citizens, if given a chance and provided a stable foundation from which to grow. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. Since 2005, UAP has supported dozens of our Nations Warriors who have served in some of the most intense combat from Afghanistan to Iraq and challenged their wrongful accusations or convictions of War Crimes. Most significantly, with UAPs support, our Warriors have had: Charges Dismissed Sentences Reduced Convictions Overturned Discharges Upgraded Convictions Appealed Presidential Pardons Coordinated Legal Fees & Expenses Covered Transition Issues AddressedAlmost 14 years later, UAPs Board of Directors continue to screen service member applications for support to ensure an applicants case meets the Warrior Fund criteria. UAP's Board consists of five Members who are extremely experienced, highly educated, and intimately engaged. This overall score is calculated from multiple beacon scores: 80% Accountability & Finance, 10% Leadership & Adaptability, 10% Culture & Community. Charities such as the Wounded Warrior Project are important to our nations veterans and have helped more than they have profited, which is the very goal of a charitable organization. A few are employed full-time by UAP, several receive compensation for work done on behalf of our Warriors, many volunteer time and effort furthering our mission, and most simply provide financial contributions, large and small, for UAP to generate public awareness, fund legal representation, and provide functional support for our Nation's Warriors. ***Upon release, transition assistance to include PTSD treatment, counseling, employment assistance, health care, legal support, etc Email contact available with a Pro subscription, Fundraising contact phone: (571) 366-1835, Legal name of organization: United American Patriots, Inc, Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution (I12). Each Client represents an American Warrior who is facing injustice for doing the mission we sent them in harm's way to accomplish. I read the AIP veterans charity watchdog report and veterans charities ratings website you listed and , Wounded Warrior Project Tax Returns AnalyzedAre you a supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project? WebWe, as Patriotic Americans, are United in our belief that all people are created equal and are extremely grateful for those who voluntarily support and defend our Constitution and our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. EIN: 41-2172043. Having read the overall reason, , National Vietnam Veterans FoundationDo you have a rating for this charity -- National Vietnam Veterans Foundation? Is that a legitimate organization? Although Service Members are offered military defense counsel at no cost to them, experience has shown, it is imperative they retain experienced civilian legal counsel to preserve their Rights and present the truth with the most effective and compelling legal defense. This overall score is calculated from multiple beacon scores: 80% Accountability & Finance, 10% Leadership & Adaptability, 10% Culture & Community. Many of these operations masquerade as charities that claim to benefit vets. Since 2014, UAP has exponentially increased its service to clients. Though WWP is not the very best at giving a large percentage of its funds to those it is dedicated to helping, they do distribute a significant amount where it needs to be and are in the upper percentage of veterans-based charities. in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section. UAP supports public speaking engagements, presentations, and panel discussions; interacts with Senators, Congressmen, and their staff on Capitol Hill; interviews with TV, cable, radio, and print news media; generates digital and social media via, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.; crafts letters and press releases; and designs visual presentations and information graphics. 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