simple structure advantages and disadvantages
The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Thus, one can see marketing, materials management, production, finance and accounting, personnel and maintenance departments in the functional design of a company engaged in manufacturing. Other companies can do very well in those areas in which the first group of companies feels handicapped. The functions will differ in non-industrial concerns or institutions. iii. Divisional structure offers many advantages over functioned structure especially in terms of autonomy for efficient management, management development, increasing organizational size up to any limit, and taking into account of specific problems related with each product or territory contributing to the overall objectives of the firm. (vii) It allows delegation of authority by the chief executive to the various functional heads. Matrix structure is essentially a violation of unity of command and, therefore, whole classical concepts related to the principle of unity of command are violated. (iv) A regional division can achieve better coordination and supervision of activities in a particular area. It allows different organisations engaged in research and development, consultancy, manufacturing, financing, transportation, security etc. Some companies can do something very well but struggle with most others. Customer Based Structure 12. 1. Because the steel in the diagonal members (in tension) can be reduced, the design is simplified and more efficient. Below is the Image illustrating the Layered structure in OS: Micro-Kernel structure designs the Operating System by removing all non-essential components of the kernel. This is appropriate specially when each product is relatively complex and large amount of capital is required for each product. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (iii) Better attention can be paid to local customer groups thereby raising the image and goodwill of the company. (iv) It ensures effective utilisation of personnel in different departments. However, the boundary less organizations should not be treated as panacea for all structural ills because they have their own drawbacks which are follows: i. Entrepreneurial Structure (Simple Structure) 2. Besides better coordination, it will also improve customer service. It is the simplest Operating System Structure and is not well defined; It can only be used for small and limited systems. The functional structure is commonly found in small companies and also in large companies with single product line or narrow product ranges. An organisation structure shows the authority and responsibility relationships between the various positions in the organisation by showing who reports to whom. (iii) Project organisation requires specialists in various fields. Employees may lose sight of the organization as a whole. The core of the network structure is the central organisation which coordinates relationships and activities with the other organisations in the network. If one user program fails, the entire operating system gets crashed. It facilitates specialised performance of various functions. They offer day courses, evening courses and correspondence courses to meet the requirements of different types of students. But it really comes down to what your organization needs. The establishment of a functional structure becomes necessary as a small organization grows and increases in the complexity of business activities creates the need for a more formal, systematised approach to major activities and for an increased delegation of decision making throughout the organization. Responsibility and obligation are loosely defined; problems cannot be passed up, down, or laterally. ii. The Ansoff matrix has advantages and disadvantages. Plagiarism Prevention 5. This type of structure is highly centralised. Functional design eliminates duplication.
6. It may give rise to conflicts between divisions. Functional departmentation is the most widely used basis for organising activities. This is the reason why more and more organizations have put emphasis on creating self-managing teams. Departments are replaced by self-managing teams. In this form, the organization is divided into several fairly autonomous units. Under this structure, there could be confusion regarding job and task responsibilities. The most important problem is in the form of network security. The matrix structure has the following advantages: i. In this form, each major product or product line is organized as a separate unit.
v. Enhances development of general managerial talent. Wide range of uses. Thus, departmentation by product generally leads to duplication of facilities. A functional design may be effective when an organization has a narrow product line, competes in a stable environment, pursues a low-cost or focused business strategy, and does not have to respond to the pressures of serving difficult types of customers. A common theme of functional design proponents is the desirability of standardizing repetitive tasks and making them routine wherever possible. Virtual or Network Organisation 14. And the territories served by the firm have their unique problems. However, it is not free from shortcomings. Cross-hierarchical teams which include top executives, middle managers, supervisors, and operative employees adopt participative decision making. For example, in an insurance company, departmentation may be achieved on the basis of these functions, viz., underwriting agency, claims adjustment and administration. Copyright 10. The products are often unrelated and require different emphasis on different functions. Each zone has further been divided into appropriate number of divisions, for example, northern zone into four divisions located at Jalandhar, Chandigarh, New Delhi, and Ajmer. This structure is implemented in MS-DOS operating system: Layering in simple structure is shown below: The Monolithic operating System in which the kernel acts as a manager by managing all things like file management, memory management, device management, and operational processes of the Operating System. Each department functions as a stand-alone unit. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. An operating system has a complex structure, so we need a well-defined structure to assist us in applying it to our unique requirements. Coordination and control take place through reciprocal adjustments among the members. Each division regulates the LIC branches in its territory and each branch has separate departments for operations such as new policies, collection of premium, adjustment of claims and administration. It requires more persons with general management abilities. An organic organizational structure refers to a flexible workplace with a horizontal mode of communication. In multi-product or multi-geographical area companies, divisions are created in the form of various strategic business units (SBUs). Under this, each major product or product line is organised as a separate division. There are many advantages to having a simple structured organization, some of which include: Increased leader control With no managers organizing work between the employees and a single leader, the owner of the organization has complete control over the Helps individual businesses respond to the changes in external environment. The major characteristics of a boundary less organization are as follows: i. The concept and practice of boundary less organizations is quite new. It represents traditional pyramid shaped organisation which is rigid in nature. They are empowered to share various management and leadership functions. The relationships are not rigid; they are collaborative and redefined through interaction. Functional structure provides essentially slow decision making process because the problem requiring a decision has to pass to various departments as all of them have something to say on the matter. iv. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the pros and cons of each (ii) Successful completion of the project is critical for the firm. It is created to exploit fast changing opportunities and share skills and even facilitate access to global markets. 5. Through these networks, people of boundary less organizations communicate across intra-organizational and extra-organizational boundaries. Often, clash of interest generates much sooner than expected. For example a large company having business throughout India may departmentalise its business by the major geographical regions (Example Southern India, Northern India, Western India, Eastern India and Central India). Each Micro-Kernel is made independently and is isolated from other Micro-Kernels. Many of these problems can be overcome through sharp focus on tasks and responsibilities of corporate and divisional management, measurement of performance of divisions, long-term policy for performance and incentives, creating more autonomy and decentralisation of authority, and finally the explicit strategies for both the firm as a whole and its various divisions. Customer based structure is also not free from drawbacks.
It does not allow employees participation in decision making. 2. The monolithic kernel functions as a virtual machine by working on top of the Operating System and controlling all hardware components. It helps in concentrating on the special requirements of the customers of each region. 2. Thus, there is duplication or triplication of activities, personnel and equipment. Operating System provides the medium for the user to communicate with the computer hardware. Disadvantages include: Raising capital: Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. For example, Century Textiles has separate divisions for textiles, cement, and shipping. vii. Depending on your size, goals and individual team members, there can be drawbacks to having a lack of hierarchies within a company.Here are some potential disadvantages of a horizontal organizational structure: Reduced productivity The benefits of structure based on customers are as follows: (i) Customer departmentation can focus on the special needs of different kinds of customers. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. to bring their resources and capabilities together. In this system, an individuals performance is appraised by his superior, peers, subordinates, and outsiders interacting with him. Kernel delivers basic services to all other elements of the System. Boundary less organizations use computer networks extensively. It is suitable where environment is certain and more or less stable. Through this way, the horizontal boundaries are also minimised. It deemphasises chain of control, span of control, and rigid departmentation. For example, for new product development, no functional department is created but a multidisciplinary team is created that works on a single process. At the same time, divisionalisation involves certain negative points in the form of being expensive, presenting control and coordination problems, lack of suitable personnel for heading divisions, and lack of specialisation of activities. i. iv. Special knowledge and experience contribute to the common goals of the concern. Since the project manager is wholly responsible for project results, he places more emphasis on efficient control, better customer relations, and uses his initiative and dynamism for the successful completion of project. WebAdvantages of steel structure factory building: 1. Advantages of Simple Structure. Provides good training ground for strategic managers. WebOperations Management questions and answers. A Diagram of the Monolithic structure is shown below: In this type of structure, OS is divided into layers or levels. Unlike other Batch processing and time-sharing maximize the usability of a processor by multiprogramming. Complex and markedly different activities require faster decision making because time factor is of prime importance. Account Disable 12. (iv) The assignment is critical to the firm because of the threat of loss or some other reasons. In a mechanistic organisation structure, there are rigid authority responsibility relationships, formal chain of command and fixed patterns of communication. c. They set their own goals and inspect their own work. The addition of specialized staff departments to a functional design may enable an organization to lead effectively with same degree of environment uncertainty and dynamism. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Almost all small scale industrial units or small organisations use simple structure. For this purpose, all the functions required for strategy implementation are classified into basic, secondary, and supporting functions according to their nature and importance. There is no accountability of each function for total results. (v) Attempts to enforce uniform marketing and personnel policies in all the regional units may be contrary to the local needs of some units.
But to coordinate their functioning, certain essential services such as Corporate Planning, Finance, Legal and Research & Development are organised at the headquarters. Although simple, the matrix helps companies plan their business . An organisation structure shows the authority and responsibility relationships between the various positions in the organisation by showing who reports to whom. Creating synergy is the process of putting two or more elements together to achieve a sum total greater than the sum total of individual elements separately. Chance of differences in image and quality may occur across divisions. The basic difference between a team and a group is in three contexts- job categoriesgroup has many narrow job categories and team has one or two broad categories; authoritygroup is directly controlled by the immediate superior and team has its own control mechanism; and reward systemreward in group system depends on individual performance and seniority and reward in team system is based on team performance and individual breadth of skills. iii. In layered structure, debugging is easier as it is a hierarchical model, so all lower-level layered is debugged, and then the upper layer is checked. A team-based organization is considered to be better than group-based organization as the former leads to enhanced performance, reduced costs, organizational enhancement, and better employee satisfaction. It is easy to develop because of the limited number of interfaces and layers. (iv) It facilitates the timely completion of a project without disturbing the normal activities of the organisation. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. It does not store any personal data. Departmentation by territory is commonly found among enterprises having business spread over a vast geographical area. In this way, advantages of specialisation can be taken as managers work in a functional area and they become quite efficient in dealing with the problems of that area. Loyalty to the concern and obedience to superiors is highly insisted upon. WebThere are several advantages to using steel girder bridges: Strength: Steel is a strong and durable material, making it ideal for bridges that need to support heavy loads. Functional structure is generally found in organisations in which, single product/services is offered. Before reading this article, understand the following Operating System topic: This article does not compare Operating system structures with other each other and their implementation. 3. iii. For a computer to recognize and read a drive such as the external hard disk, the user must make the device reachable through the mounting process. Upon completion of the project, these people may return to their original departments for further assignment. Thus, what is suitable for one business may not be suitable for a similar unit, but there are successful firms in a given industry tend to design structure in a similar way. Please explain in 1 or 2 paragraphs. Expert Answer. In addition to vertical communication, lateral and horizontal communications are quite common. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Rights and obligations of each position are precisely defined and assigned. 3. This form has been used by several U.S. multinational corporations whose manufacturing operations require low-cost labour that can best be utilized by contracting with foreign suppliers. Geographical or Territory Based Structure, Organisational Structure: Functional Structure and Divisional Structure, Types of Organisation: Advantages & Disadvantages | Functions | Management, Designing the Project Organisation Structure: 2 Forms, Matrix Organisation: Concept, Advantages and Limitations, Types and Classification of Organisation Structure (with Advantages and Disadvantages). The basic or major functions are those which are essential for the strategy and their operations contribute to organizational efficiency. Helps to maintain an intimate relationship with everybody in the organisation. Each unit has its own functional structure for various activities necessary for the product. Territorial departmentation has the following advantages: (i) It leads to the benefits of local operations. For instance, line organisation is a kind of mechanistic structure. It is not suitable for enterprises with very diverse lines of businesses. For instance, if an undertaking is in production line, the dominant element in its organisation chart would be manufacturing and assembling. For example, a company may have three divisions to manage textiles, cement and shipping. ii. WebThe main advantages of the simple structure are the following: i. There are rigid hierarchical relationships in the organisation. Some of the types and classification of organisation structure are:-, 1. A brief description of these forms is presented here. For instance, it creates the difficulty of co-ordination between the departments organised on this basis and those organised on other bases. iii. Shell type structure construction was as old as 1920s. Disadvantages. Advantages of this structure may include: Fosters open dialogue Flexible workplace environment Disadvantages of this structure may include: Leadership The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Advantages of hierarchical structure. Suitable for factories, warehouses, office buildings, gymnasiums, etc. Provides greater decentralisation of authority. It provides for a clear definition of functions and responsibilities. For a computer to recognize and read a drive such as the external hard disk, the iv. i. A project may defined as a complex set of activities which are diverse, specialised and technical to be performed within the given time frame and cost structure. May divert the owner from strategic decisions to day-to-day operating decisions. The construction is simple and the construction time is short. In matrix structure, a project manager is appointed to coordinate the activities of the project. In India, many companies have diversified into unrelated businesses and have found functional structure quite unsuitable for them. This avoids the expenses of renting new offices for the venture and costly travel time between companies. This problem gets magnified when there is a tendency for the functional departments to become jealous of their prerogatives and fight to promote and preserve their specialisation rather than work towards unified project objectives. Image Guidelines 4. It may take the form of combining product and geographical divisions or functional and divisional structures, operating in tandem. (ii) It may be difficult for an enterprise to adapt itself to changes in technology, demand, etc. Activities, personnel and equipment a regional division can achieve better coordination, it will improve. Processing and time-sharing maximize the usability of a processor by multiprogramming is created to exploit fast opportunities... Clear definition of functions and responsibilities structure to assist us in applying it to our unique requirements a. May return to their original departments for further assignment organization needs Entrepreneurial structure ( structure... 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