ticonderoga class cruiser vs arleigh burke
Incidentally, Newport RI was my home port when I served on my 2nd ship, the USS Miller FF-1091, from 1987 to 1990. Her story is typical of her class. Here the USS Hayler, DD-997, commissioned in 1983, is being sunk as a target on 13 November 2004. Now retired in North Bend, WA. Served aboard the OLY 1990-1995. The first ship will probably enter service in the early 2030s. I too served on the Connolly DD-979, 85-90. My first and third ship was the USS John Hancock. I then served at SIMA Newport from 1990 to 1993. This, of course, is a surprise for small surface combatant advocates and manufacturers, who saw the projections for small combatants collapse from 50 to 60 ships in earlier shipbuilding plans down to the current level, a modest 40-45 vessels. DDG(X) will be armed with one five-inch gun, two SeaRAM close-in weapon systems, one 150-kilowatt laser, and about 96 vertical launch missile systems (the same as later-built Burke-class destroyers), according to a report from U.S. https://orleck.org/, https://polldaddy.com/js/rating/rating.jsWhen we commissioned the USS David R. Ray (DD-971) we had grey bottom rails, and White TOP rails, so crew members could see them at night; at least from 1977 to 1981. EM2 DeKilder. USS John Young (DD-973) The Ticos were early decommed tooand Valley Forge sunk as a target. At least five more cruisers are on the chopping block through 2026. Where to start? Were all Navy ships of the 70s and 80s like that? Divide that into a billion for a new Burke. https://polldaddy.com/js/rating/rating.jsMy Dad was on DD 974 during that time. However, the Ticonderoga-class cruisers are roughly the same age. Most of the Gun News That is Fit to Print! I served on three Spruance destroyers (USS Harry W Will DD-986, USS Cushing DD-985, and USS Fletcher DD-992) out of San Diego from 1987-1992. I was also angry. The career politicians let us down again, surprise surprise. Can the U.S. Navy Deliver On a New Frigate? The Navy sought to retire up to seven cruisers for the 2022 fiscal year, but Congress has pushed back. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Over the 1980s and 90s, they were increasingly armed with other weapons systems. 1940s complement for the Sumners as designed was 336 Officers and Enlisted while some wartime designs (such as DMs) were 363 http://www.navsource.org/archives/11/0834.htm . I served on two other ships and several shore commands before I retired as a BM1 (SW) in 2004. This would have given those ships another 20 years of life. It told me alot about how out-of-touch the brass and Congress were with the realities of the Navy and our worlds volatility.
Amazing experience!! But in order to build all those new Burks you have to get rid of the cheap fix. There are designs out that show the sprucans with an aegis up- grade. But, in a rush to claw back additional money, lock in savings, and make the proposed cuts permanent, agedTiconderogacruisers and olderBurkesmay well be pulled from service quite quicklyfar faster than anyone outside of the Pentagon expects.
She was the best riding ship I ever served on and is dearly missed. Josh Echt, on the elliot DD967 forward engineroom. One is the USS Steniker in Mexico today. Bill DuVal here. Thats not just bragging, either, check her fleet combat readiness records, theyll tell you everything you need to know. Refitting with Aegis wouldnt happen. Assigned DD968 USS AW Radford during Desert Shield/Storm, Pingback: Warship Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020: Hannah on the Beach | laststandonzombieisland, Pingback: Warship Wednesday, April 15, 2020: The Winged Spinach Can | laststandonzombieisland. I served on the DD-990 and am a plankowner. At the height of the Cold War, America boasted a force of about 100 cruisers and destroyers, and, today, with 92 big surface combatants in service, the long-term resiliency of Americas large surface combatant fleet has been a striking feature, with about 100 ships maintained in one fleet plan after another. Loved every minute of it. The DDG 51 class was named after the legendary Adm. Arleigh Burke, the most famous destroyerman of World War II. Sadly, while their chronological age would have suggested they had another decade of service remaining, most of the SPRUCANs I ever set foot on were begging to be retired (of my two, 982 more so than 989)obsolescent and limping along from a materiel standpoint. And they were darned good looking shipsthe last with real destroyer lines, if you ask me. Frank does keep in touch with a couple of guys that he worked closely with. WebZumwalts, Burkes and Ticos would be used for fleet air defense, ASW and radar picketing. Best Regards Dave Stangland STG3 Plankowner USS John Young DD973, Pingback: Bring back the Garcias! To work around the Navys enduring appetite for large surface combatants, the Biden administration seems eager to blur the distinction between large and small surface combatants, edging towards a smaller combined force of about 100 surface combatants in total. I Commissioned the USS Peterson 969 in 1976 she was my first ship in the Navy and was very proud to serve on her. I generally regarded the Ingalls Shipyard as a bunch of rednecks with welding rods. What a comedown. Vice-Chair and former Navy officer Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) argued that downsizing the cruiser fleet could carry dire consequences for the Navys near-term capabilities in the Pacific, especially in the midst of mounting Chinesethreats and provocationsagainstTaiwan. She also had lots of room for weapons upgrading for years to come. We slept in the COs cabin, and i had sailors giving me the nonstop tour. Funny thing were all correct, and all saddened at the premature end of every damn one of them,regardless of the reason for it. Whenever I play the song: Jazzman by Carol KingI think of the Spruance Class destroyers. In 89, the U.S. only had 12-15 Ticos up and running (Chancellorsville was commissioned 11/4/89) and they still had 5 years left. They were a fast, maneuverable ship. Question: How come in the 70s and 80s it shows the US Navy ships with white railings? Have you checked out the websites The majority of ships already had been upgraded to vertical launch, and as far as the rest of the electronics upgrades go well, thats the easiest and cheapest of the bunch. Four years sailing all the worlds oceans 81-85 and I left with a GCM and stars on the SSDR. I hate these silly damned questions. And I hate myself more for getting sucked into answering them! The answer is forever. Theres simply no weap She is armed here with just her guns, torpedoes, ASROC, and a Sea Sparrow launcher. Spent most my days as engineering logroom yeoman. The differences between today's Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers are largely a matter of armament. The OHPs were never meant to be multi-warfare DD replacements. Steamed with a lot of the Spru cans. Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Mississippi. No less than 16 Spruance class destroyers are on the way. The Navys new shipbuilding plan, released in mid-June, telegraphs enormous cuts to Americas large surface combatant fleet of cruisers and destroyers. Repairs and upkeep were very expensive. 1980-84 They proved the backbone of fleet operations throughout the last decade of the Cold War, the sordid engagements in the Persian Gulf, and the Navys part in the war on drugs. Then, starting in 1998, these hardy destroyers that were at the top of their game, began to retire. (I lster served just as dad did!! He was my cousin and I was an ENC M-Division on the USS David R. Ray DD-971, Plankowner. I was part of the commissioning crew USS Ingersoll DD-990. The 48, which featured a flat rectangular antenna, was made by ITT Gilfillan. However, those ships are not coming until around the fiscal year 2028. Good ship great crew. Two homeports two northpacs two westpacs two yard periods and 3 captains. However, I recognized that necessity. The forward bank of 32 missile silos can be swapped out for 12 hypersonic missiles; an integrated power system will allow the Navy to swap the two SeaRAM missile launcherswith a total of 42 short-range missileswith two 600-kilowatt lasers with a theoretically unlimited number of shots. and retired from the Naval Reserve as well. Everything else can be handled by the Coast Guard. Vice-Chair and former Navy officer Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) argued that downsizing the cruiser fleet could carry dire consequences for the Navys near-term capabilities in the Pacific, especially in the midst of mounting Chinesethreats and provocationsagainstTaiwan. One thing that did fascinate me is the level of vertical integration practiced by Litton Industries in the outfitting of the ship: Numerous other subsidiaries participated along with Ingalls: There were Clifton Precision SPA-25 radar scopes in CIC, Amecom communication gear in the radio room, Frigitemp chillers in the galley, and Royal typewriters (along with Monroe calculators) in the office. The newer, Flight IIABurkeswere built to have a 40-year service life, and, even with no additional vessel procurements beyond the authorized-but-unnamed DDG 139, the Navy would only need to give sixBurkes, DDGs 79 through 84, a 10-year service life extension to meet the current fleet-size goal. But the rumors are swirling that the Pentagon, under Dr. Katherine Hicks bureaucratically adept, John Lehman-like stewardship, will direct the Navy to shed older vessels far faster than expected, clearing the way for new ships and new technological approaches to warfighting at sea. In this role, she is a remote control drone boat, used as a hard target for new weapons systems. But what hurt was the De commissioning before I retired from the navy. but the Spruances were in such bad shape that they ended up replacing them instead and the OHPs stuck around as glorified gun boats a lot longer than desired. Also supplied aid to SEALS. A lot of good memories tied up in both those old girls.
Pingback: Warship Wednesday: March 9, 2016 Blooming flowers for Agerholm | laststandonzombieisland. I evaluate national security threats and propose solutions. Did a North Atlantic cruise on the Spruance DD-963 while in Precom for MY ship, Comte De Grasse DD-974. When I seen them sink her a part of me went too. Drone anti submarine helicopters Unmanned helicopters capable of carrying nuclear depth charges. U.S. lawmakers are reportedly at a stalemate over the fate of the Navys aging cruiser fleet. But they could all have been upgraded to the standard of the three DDGs based on the Spruance class. WebNo.
Navy made a big mistake not at least mothballing at least 20 of them! USS Comte de Grasse (DD-974), 1987-1991 it never quit, we were asea forever. Here's What You Need to Remember:Not everyone on the House committee seems to be on the same page regarding the fate of the Navys cruisers. Lived in Bremerton for many years and watched a set of 3-4 of them (I remember one was David R Ray) moored in the bay off of PSNS for years, just rotting away. Design threshold on the Gearings were 350 and both classes saw increases post-FRAM. Those 1940s era steam powerplants are killers. Speaking of carriers, there was even some thought to making an aviation destroyer variant. I was on the Briscoe, Did you go to Drubroknic, then Yugoslavia? The earlier flight Burkes only have a Flight Deck. See yall there. The US Navy has decommissioned USS Vella Gulf (CG 72), a Ticonderoga-class cruiser, after 29 years of service. I served aboard the USS John Rodgers DD983 from 1983-1986. The House Armed Services Committees Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee iteration of the annual defense policy bill lays the groundwork for the retirement of several cruisers while giving the green light for the construction of an additional destroyer, as first reported by USNI News. What state was he from? DDG(X) is designed for "expanded Arctic operations," and the service wants to see greater fuel efficiency for longer patrols. The event comes just months before the ships 29th commissioning anniversary. these were good ships, sorry they are now history.
Plankowner USS John Young DD973 I felt my ship was too young. The warships full load displacement is around 13,000 tons while the US Navys Ticonderoga-class cruiser and Flight III Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, which are similar to this frigate, have a displacement of roughly 9,800 tons. Catalog #: USN 1144349 Copyright Owner: National Archives. My GPS system was almost always Casrept, so we sailed from Mississippi to San Diego and back again by radar and starsthe Loran and Omega was totally worthless. I remember the swim call in Gatun Lake while heading west through the Panama Canal on SPRUANCE. In fact, they use the same hull and below-deck machinery.
Mark Episkopos is a national security reporter for theNational Interest. [CDATA[// >