western front ww2 casualties
On 4 April the encirclement was completed and the Ninth Army reverted to the command of Bradley's 12th Army Group. Below is the article summary. Marshall's figure for the South Pacific is 684,000. Accordingly, the number of German killed and wounded was much higher in the East than in the West. It is now known that they did not survive the war, Rdiger Overmans believes that more than likely they died in Soviet custody. Western Front, major theatre of World War I. Rallying, many units were able to achieve their objectives as the divisions pulled themselves back together. the Vichy regime was allowed to keep their colonial empire and navy fleet, as some of Hitler's few concessions. Many men who went missing or were taken prisoner were not included in the German High Command (OKW) figures. They were given considerable freedom and mixed with local people. The Kriegsmarine, nonetheless, suffered very heavy losses during the two months of fighting required to seize all of mainland Norway. The following studies were published by the West German government estimating expulsion deaths. The research by Overmans concluded in 2000 that the total German military dead and missing were 5,318,000. During World War II, the Western Front was the theater of fighting west of Germany, encompassing the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Denmark. Between 122,000 and 150,000 were detained and at least 43,000 did not survive. [8] However, there is a more recent estimate of 22,000 civilians killed during the fighting in Berlin only. [105] Italian fascist forces fought in the Italian campaign until the end of the war with the Italian Social Republic. What were the turning points of World War II? Gathering Germany's best remaining forces in the west, the plan called for a strike through the Ardennes (as in 1940), led by a spearhead of armored formations. The US Third Army had fanned out to the east into western Czechoslovakia and southeast into eastern Bavaria and northern Austria. The liberation of Northern France and the Benelux countries was of special significance for the inhabitants of London and the southeast of England because it denied the Germans launch sites for their mobile V-1 and V-2 Vergeltungswaffen (reprisal weapons). [11] However, the position of the German government, the German Federal Agency for Civic Education and the German Red Cross is that the death toll in the expulsions is between 2.0 and 2.5 million civilians. Patton's stunning reply was 48 hours. Quickly moving inland, they linked up with elements of the 101st Airborne and began moving toward their objectives. Marshall's figure for the Central Pacific is 273,000. I think the idea was that Germany could have won the western front before they invaded Russia, and had they forced britains surrender before the soviet attack it may have been a very different story. Prisoners held during the war are listed in a separate schedule below. [130] Not included in these figures are civilians who died in the fighting and atrocities in East-Prussia (Konigsberg, Pillau), Pommerania (Danzig, Kolberg) and Silesia (Breslau). Geschichte der deutschen Bevolkerung seit 1815 Steiner, Franz Verlag 1998, Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, figure includes 3,760,000 military dead and missing; Civilian deaths: 410,000 in air war; 20,000 in military campaign and 1,260,000 expellee deaths east of the, Die deutschen Vertreibungsverluste. These figures are based on the West German government figures from the 1960s . Although the great powers of Europe had declared war on one another, neither side had yet committed to launching a significant attack, and there was relatively little fighting on the ground. [159] There are those like Heinz Nawratil who try to equate the expulsions from Eastern Europe with the Holocaust. Dutch casualties are placed at 2,890 killed or missing, 6,900 wounded, with no information provided on those captured. Even Patton agreed with Churchill that he should order the attack on the city since Montgomery's troops could reach Berlin within three days. On April 30, with the end in sight, Hitler committed suicide in Berlin. In the Soviet Union the Battle of Stalingrad (1943) marked the end of the German advance, and Soviet reinforcements in large numbers gradually pushed the German armies back. Initial successes in bad weather, which gave them cover from the Allied air forces, resulted in a German penetration of over 80km (50mi) to within less than 16km (10mi) of the Meuse. The authors of the Oxford Companion to World War II maintain that casualty statistics are notoriously unreliable[71] The following is a list of published statistics for German casualties in World War II. Hitler hoped that such a victory would prove demoralizing for the Allies and would force their leaders to accept a negotiated peace. The US Ninth Army, which had remained under British command since the battle of the Bulge, went south as the northern pincer of the Ruhr encirclement as well as pushing elements east. Of the army dead a total of 1,456,500 occurred on the battlefronts that Marshall's figures refer to (Southern Pacific,[108] Central Pacific,[109] India-Burma,[110] China[111] and Aleutians. Oldenbourg 2000. The German Army Group B commanded by Field Marshal Walther Model was trapped in the Ruhr Pocket and 300,000 soldiers became POWs. A. OKW figures from 9/1/1939 to 12/31/1944, Source: Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, Page78, B. [147] These figures do not include ethnic Germans from other nations in the German military and ethnic German civilians who were killed in expulsions. [161] The Federation of Expellees has represented the interests of Germans from Eastern Europe. [165] Rdiger Overmans believes that "on the basis of factual individual data, shown before, the thesis of the Canadian James Bacque cannot be supported". In addition, 247,000 Austrians lost their lives serving in the army of the Third Reich or were reported missing, and 24,000 civilians were killed during bombing raids. To achieve the surprise required for success, the operation was planned in complete radio silence and benefited from heavy cloud cover, which kept Allied air forces grounded. Battle of the Bulge, also called Battle of the Ardennes, (December 16, 1944-January 16, 1945), the last major German offensive on the Western Front during World War IIan unsuccessful attempt to push the Allies back from German home territory. In 1992 when Overmans began the project, German military dead in the war listed at the military search service Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) were 4.3 million men (3.1 million confirmed dead and 1.2 missing and presumed dead). As Market-Garden and 12th Army Group's operations were commencing in September, they were reinforced by the arrival of the Sixth Army Group, which had landed in southern France on August 15. Retrieved 4 March 2016. On December 23, the weather began to clear and Allied air power began to hammer the Germans, whose offensive stalled the next day near Dinant. Estimated figures for German World War II casualties are divergent and contradictory. By the time the water had subsided and the US Ninth Army was able to cross the Roer on 23 February, other Allied forces were also close to the Rhine's west bank. Hitler had expected a million men to die in the conquest of France. The West German government statistical office issued a report in 1958 that put the number of civilians dead or missing in the expulsions and forced labor in the USSR at 2,225,000(including 1,339,000 for Germany in 1937 borders; Poland 185,000, Danzig 83,200; Czechoslovakia 272,900; Yugoslavia 135,800; Rumania 101,000; Hungary 57,000; Baltic States 51,400. 10 May 1945, List of Commando raids on the Atlantic Wall, Western Front command tenures (World War II), Learn how and when to remove this template message, George C Marshall, Biennial reports of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army to the Secretary of War: 1 July 193930 June 1945. With the use of paratroopers and concentrated firepower, the Belgian and Dutch armies surrendered after several days. The number of dead and wounded on both sides was about equal.[66]. ), Indicative of the huge discrepancy are the. There were only some local, minor skirmishes. -Net emigration of foreign population - The Statistisches Bundesamt pointed out that this was a rough estimate. Hickman, Kennedy. Bevlkerungsbilanzen fr die deutschen Vertreibungsgebiete 1939/50.Herausgeber: Statistisches Bundesamt - Wiesbaden. Total German casualties between September 1939 to 31 December 1944, on the Western Front for both the army, Waffen SS, and foreign volunteers amounts to 128,030 killed, 399,860 wounded. Marshall's figure for the Aleutian Islands is 8,000. Bacque presents his arguments with a description of the horrific conditions at the Rheinwiesenlager POW camps and eyewitness accounts of retired US military officers. Washington, DC: Center of Military History, 1996. Aiming to recapture Strasbourg, the Germans attacked the 6th Army Group at multiple points. In late 1943, in anticipation of an Allied assault, the German commander in the West, Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, was reinforced and given Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, of Africa fame, as his primary field commander. This figure is included in the schedule above. American forces fought a valiant rearguard action at St. Vith, and the 101st Airborne and Combat Command B (10th Armored Division) were surrounded in the town of Bastogne. Many civilians died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation. Fighting in bitter cold, the Germans were able to successfully withdraw but were forced to abandon much of their equipment. Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen (1992), "Introduction", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union, German Armed Forces Military History Research Office, German prisoners of war in northwest Europe, German prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, German prisoners of war in the United States, Flight and expulsion of Germans (194450), Erich Hampe "Der Zivile Luftschutz im Zweiten Weltkrieg" pp.138-142, The German Reich and the Second World War, Forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union, the wartime policy of the Nazis in Eastern Europe, West German government statistical office, Die Flucht der deutschen Bevlkerung 1944/45, "Quellen zur Geschichte der "Euthanasie"-Verbrechen 1939-1945 in deutschen und sterreichischen Archiven", Heeresarzt 10-Day Casualty Reports per Theater of War, 1945 [BA/MA RH 2/1355, 2/2623, RW 6/557, 6/559], Wehrmacht Monthly Casualty Reports, 1945 [BA/MA RM 7/810]. The commission has already built more than 300 cemeteries from World War II and 190 from World War I all over Europe.[167]. 2, The number of prisoners taken in March was approaching 350,000, SHAEF Weekly Summary No. The crossing of the Moselle River and the capture of the fortress of Metz proved difficult for the American troops in the face of German reinforcements, supply shortages, and unfavorable weather. On the night of June 5 and the morning of June 6, the British 6th Airborne Division was dropped to the east of the landing beaches to secure the flank and destroy several bridges to prevent the Germans from bringing up reinforcements. Page 202, "The Soviet-German War 19411945: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay", US Army Battle Casualties and Non-battle Deaths in World War 2: Final Report, "The final stages of the naval war in north-west Europe", "12th Army Group Situation Map for 18 April 1945", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Western_Front_(World_War_II)&oldid=1158200366, Occupation of most of Western and Northern Europe by Axis troops, Fall of Nazi Germany (concurrently with the, Liberation of occupied countries in Western and Northern Europe, One was an opportunity taken by US forces when the Germans failed to blow up the, In the Allied 6th Army Group area, the US Seventh Army assaulted across the Rhine in the area between, Gootzen, Har and Connor, Kevin (2006). The Japanese Relief Bureau's army dead figure for this battlefront is 163,000. Fighting on the Western Front was preceded by the Phony War. On 15 August the Allies launched Operation Dragoon the invasion of Southern France between Toulon and Cannes. [103] Marshall's figures of enemy battle deaths are juxtaposed with deaths in the US Army only, suggesting that the losses of Japanese naval forces are not included, nor Japanese casualties in theaters where the Americans were not the main opposing force. By mid-September, the 6th Army Group, advancing from the south, came into contact with Bradley's formations advancing from the west and overall control of Devers' force passed from AFHQ in the Mediterranean so that all three army groups came under Eisenhower's central command at SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces). In the post-war era the military search service Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) has been responsible for providing information for the families of those military personnel who were killed or went missing in the war. World War II, or Second World War, (193945) International conflict principally between the Axis powersGermany, Italy, and Japanand the Allied powersFrance, Britain, the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China. Dropping on September 17, 1944, American airborne divisions met with success, though the advance of the British armor was slower than expected. In December 1941 Japan attacked U.S. bases at Pearl Harbor and in the Philippines. -Emigrated & murdered Jews- The Statistisches Bundesamt (German government Statistical Office) gave a total of 200,000 Jews who had emigrated or were murdered, they did not estimate those actually who were murdered. They were declared citizens of the Third Reich by law and therefore subject to drumhead court-martial in case of draft evasion. Britain's Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, urged Eisenhower to continue the advance toward Berlin by the 21st Army Group, under the command of Montgomery with the intention of capturing the city. (German government Statistical Office). Luxembourg fell within the first day. This belief was encouraged and reinforced by an elaborate Allied deception scheme (Operation Fortitude) that used dummy armies, radio chatter, and double agents to suggest that Calais was the target. The name refers to the western side of territory under the control of Germany, which was also fighting on its eastern flank for most of the conflict. [11][12][13] The port of Antwerp was liberated on 4 September by the British 11th Armoured Division. Polands defeat was followed by a period of military inactivity on the Western Front, known as the Phony War. [14][4][15] According to the German government Suchdienste (Search Service) there were 300,000 German victims (including Jews) of Nazi racial, political and religious persecution. [19] (Since German reunification, the records in the former GDR (East Germany) have become available to the WASt). Using nearly 6,000 trucks, the Red Ball Express operated until the opening of the port of Antwerp in November 1944. During September and October, the Allied 6th Army Group (U.S. This was followed by a pincer movement of the First Canadian Army in Operation Veritable advancing from the Nijmegen area of the Netherlands, and the US Ninth Army crossing the Roer in Operation Grenade. CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY UNITED STATES ARMY WASHINGTON, D. C., 1989. (Not including living POWs still held.). European theatre of World War II The European theatre of World War II was one of the two main theatres of combat [nb 22] during World War II. 83,307 dead; 57,258 missing and 118,127 wounded. The struggle for the Eastern Front was bigger and . Of the 350,000 civilians listed as dead (not including refugees), 126,000 of the deaths occurred after January 31, 1945. Each army group was allocated its mobile reserves. After stopping the German assault, Allied forces fought their way into Germany and, in conjunction with the Soviets, compelled the Nazis to surrender, ending World War II in Europe. [113][114], In 1951, Gregory Frumkin, who was throughout its existence the editor of the Statistical Year Book of the League of Nations, provided an assessment of German military losses based on a demographic analysis of the European population from 1939 to 1947. 21st Army Group was then instead ordered to move northeast toward Bremen and Hamburg. [55] The number of prisoners taken in the west in March and April was over 1,800,000,[56] more than double the 800,000 German soldiers who surrendered to the Russians in the last three or four months of the war. ", Grigori F. Krivosheev concludes: "Losses during strategic operations accounted for 61.48% of small-arms losses, 65.52% of tank and SP gun losses, 56.89% of gun and mortar losses and 58.6% of combat aircraft losses during the war. Germany: 157,621 casualties (27,074 dead (The final count of the German dead is possibly as high as 49,000 men when including the losses suffered by the Kriegsmarine, because of additional non-combat causes, the wounded who died of their injuries, and the missing who were confirmed as dead. UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II The European Theater of Operations THE SUPREME COMMAND by Forrest C. Pogue. Rdiger Overmans, Deutsche militrische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the invasion's planning began in 1943 under the direction of British Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick E. Morgan and the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander (COSSAC). General Franz Bhme announced the unconditional surrender of German troops in Norway. Ullstein Taschenbuch vlg., 2002. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. SHAEF, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1958 pp.45-6, Percy Schramm Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht: 1940 - 1945: 8 Bde. "Few American commanders of the World War II era would agree with authors such as Martin van Creveld that the Germany army was more effective. The estimate by West German government in November 1949 for Germany in 1937 borders was 450,000 killed in bombing and 50,000 in ground fighting. At Omaha Beach, U.S. troops quickly became pinned down by heavy fire as the preinvasion bombing had fallen inland and failed to destroy the German fortifications. [4] During the Cold War, the West German government estimated the death toll at 2.225 million[14] in the wartime evacuations, forced labor in the Soviet Union as well as the post war expulsions. [40] A 1958 West German estimate put the military war dead of ethnic German(deutschen Bevlkerung) foreign nationals from east-central Europe in the German Armed Forces at 432,000 (Baltic States 15,000, Poland 108,000, Czechoslovakia 180,000, Hungary 32,000, Yugoslavia 40,000 and Romania 35,000)[41], Overmans does not include Russian volunteers in the Wehrmacht in his figures, only persons of German ancestry (Deutsche nach Abstammung). The German historian Martin Broszat (former head of Institute of Contemporary History in Munich) described Nawratil's writings as "polemics with a nationalist-rightist point of view", and that Nawratil "exaggerates in an absurd manner the scale of 'expulsion crimes'". French casualties amounted to 120,000 killed or missing, 250,000 wounded, and 1,450,000 taken prisoner. As this was the strategy favoured by the Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and most of the American high command, it was soon adopted. On June 6, 1944, the Allies landed in France, opening the Western Front of World War II in Europe. For almost two years, there was no land-fighting on the Western Front with the exception of commando raids and the guerrilla actions of the resistance aided by the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Civilian bombing deaths (not including refugees) of 436,000 include 350,000 dead, 54,000 died of wounds and 32,000 missing and presumed dead. [163] The former President of Germany Joachim Gauck and the former German chancellor Angela Merkel have voiced support for the Center Against Expulsions. In early 1945 the German High Command (OKW) prepared a summary of total losses up to January 31, 1945. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene des Zweiten Weltkriege. The French forces launched a small offensive, the Saar Offensive against Germany in the Saar region but halted their advance and returned. Codenamed Operation Market-Garden, the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne were assigned the bridges at Eindhoven and Nijmegen, while the British 1st Airborne was tasked with taking the bridge over the Rhine at Arnhem. After signing the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939. View history Grave of German soldiers fallen during the invasion of Poland in the town of Koskie German War Cemetery in France Statistics for German World War II military casualties are divergent. "Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Netherlands" (PDF). The port of Antwerp was liberated on 4 September by the British 11th Armoured Division. [43] The statistics of the German High Command put casualties of the volunteer forces from the Soviet Union up until 1/31/1945 at: 83,307 dead; 57,258 missing and 118,127 wounded[44]. Overmans maintains that many individual reports of casualties were not processed by the end of the war and are not reflected in the German High Command (OKW) statistics.[20]. Beginning on July 25, elements of the U.S. First Army broke through the German lines near St. Percy Ernst Schramm was responsible for maintaining the official OKW diary during the war. It was not possible to predict where the Allies might choose to launch their invasion. Mller-Hillebrand maintained that the OKW figures did not present an accurate accounting of German casualties because they understated losses in the final months of the war on the eastern front and post war deaths of POW in Soviet captivity. XXX Corps was able to advance beyond six of the seven airborne-held bridges but was unable to link up with the troops near the bridge over the Rhine at Arnhem. Generals Eisenhower and Bradley concluded that pushing beyond the Elbe made no sense since eastern Germany was destined in any case to be occupied by the Red Army. Flying in from the west, the American airborne's drop went badly, with many of the units scattered and far from their intended drop zones. [1][2] The German government reported that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel. The West German government set up a unified body the Suchdienst (search service) of the German churches working in conjunction with the, In 1974, the West German Federal Archive (, In his 2000 study of German military casualties Rdiger Overmans found 344,000 additional military deaths of Germans from the, The German historians Hans Henning Hahn and Eva Hahn have published a detailed study of the flight and expulsions that is sharply critical of official German accounts of the cold war era. Small offensive, the Allies might choose to launch their invasion ( PDF ) preceded the! 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