who is behind 119 ministries
Which ever day belongs to Christ ..I think they all belong to Him but you may observe only one day ..Our brother Paul allows for that .. It was stated in a conversation with a desperate Canaanite (non-Jew) woman who begged of Jesus the healing of her demon-possessed daughter. Because it will lead to This is where THEY are wrong. In the end HaSatan will roam around the earth to see who he can devour. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. Im very much working through 119 articles/essays right now and in some cases going line by line in refuting them with Scripture. Everything in the bible is true. To do proper counsel, to get remedies, to *restore*some that was devestated MANY YEARS. If of course you follow (understood) Pauline doctrine. Im curious as to your name and this book you talk about, Id really like to read more of your thoughts! 119 never claims to be rightthey simply invite consideration and our own meticulous complete Scripture testing. Jesus New Covenant blood is the blood of our Salvation dear Sister..Its Better, New and not like the covenant our Father made with Moses as Jesus blood cleanes all sin! I appreciate your comment. Isaiah 40:8 = YES! I am not saying that 119 ministries do not have mistakes. I choose to believe his words are twisted by people taking snippets of passages out of context and without considering the audience to whom Paul was writing. (2Pe 3:16) as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand,c which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. 10:34, and one friend of mine feels this way regarding his strained relationship saying he must follow the commands if YHWH even at his familys expense. to overthrow He was NOT servant of any church, thats not what they said. Afterwards, let us know what you think of 119 Ministries. Oh and those dietary things Ya we dont have to do that well because, this was only for the Jews Oh and Israel, oh and the Nations that follow after one true God.. It is all about Jesus living His life through us, as we trust and obey Him. 4 In him was life, Sadly, this is the very thing that is hard to comprehend by those whove not yet experienced just HOW much deeper, fuller and more accurately they might understand the NT WHEN they finally grasp the OT properly. 28 With respect to the Good News they are hated for your sake. It is very unwise too denigrate the New Covenant blood of Christ. The arguments presented by 119 Ministries are subtle deviations cloaked in clouds of side issues. But well thats the way it is. The truth is they are His ways I just walk in them. Just LOOK at what JESUS says in Matthew 5:17-18: Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Jesus Christ IS our new covenant Law who lives inside me. Thats not to say that I always agree with every single thing they teach. And love God. 33 THIS IS THE COVENANT I WILL MAKE WITH THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL after that time, declares the Lord. Those who are deceived with a different spirit and different Jesus are the last to know. He pleads with God against Israel,3 ADONAI, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars, and Im the only one left, and now they want to kill me too![c] 4 But what is Gods answer to him? If you must know my opinion(I do not claim absolutism in speaking for IEUE(YHWH)) i believe that the Essenes who left the corrupt Pharasitical temple some time shortly before the Hasmonean dynasty put Johnathan Maccabee on Moshes seat. To properly discuss the Torah as the law of God, one must first define which Torah (instruction) and which covenant are being discussed. What is the context of that again? Perfection doesnt need to be changed, Leah, otherwise it is not perfection. Leah, you seem to disagree with 119s teaching primarily for 2 reasons (from what I tell by your responses, correct me if Im wrong): 1.) 3:29, We were made to belong to Christ at the point of Abraham & the promise, not at the point of Moses & the Law. Ministries like Passion for Truth and 119 Ministries are Christ-Like in the humble approach and is evident and can be seen in the fruit they bare. I have several friends entangled in it & they just want to keep believing. 34 No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, Know ADONAI ; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickednesses and remember their sins no more., As a matter of fact, Yeshua recognized that the religious leaders of the day sat in Moshes (Moses in English) seat in the synagogue and said the following: 119 Ministries is the Hebrew Roots ministry of Jon Sherman and Steve Moutria. And I have seen them change videos when they have been proven wrong and admit to changing them and why. I too believe in holding dear and guarding the commandments of Yehova. That is an outright lie at worst and a misrepresentation at best. For many centuries, Christians have been wrongly taught, thanks primarily to Replacement Theology, that in order for my people to accept our Messiah, we had to become Gentiles by adopting their ways, which usually went completely contrary to what the Torah teaches. How much more severer punishment he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant he WAS SANCTIFIED, and has insulted the Holy Spirit of grace? ( Hebrews 10:29) He kept all the commandments, observed the appointed feasts of YHWH, he did not come to do away with the Torah but show us how to live it to the full. Then it will come about in that day that the nations will resort to the root of Jessie, who will stand as a signal for the peoples; And HIS resting place will be glorious.. Look outside you window, Leah, and youll plainly see that heaven and earth havent passed away yet. Not until all is fulfilled? Now many confuse the scriptures saying our righteousness is as of filthy rags and that we are made righteous by Him, so we are under no obligation to obey the sabbath, feasts, etc. They criticize the Hebrew Roots Movement, never fully understanding or appreciating the fact that the Messianic Community (the Church) was founded and built on this foundation. Simply put, they are daring us believers to return to the original Way and examine for themselves Yahwehs true instructions for us to simply love and obey Him while also loving others. I will keep studing my brother as you have requested and i have been doing for awhile. Do you not think there is a reason for each and every Word Yahweh uttered in the Scriptures? He would refuse it based on Gods Word which specifies which animals are given for food. Even more critical, it is so clear throughout the NT that Paul himself fully observed feasts in Torah which he also testified was scrutinized and fully substantiated by the Bereansand charged us believers to perpetually do the same. In case someone did notice, yes I am judging you.. Why do you think that Yeshua told the woman from Shomron (Samaria) that we have to worship God in spirit and in truth? Its pretty plain to see, Leah, that you, like most Roman Catholics I know here in Italy, see the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) as a license to sin and rebel against Gods holy word. Again > Romans 11 explains that. I was in a Southern Baptist church for 20 years until friends shared some How could God divorce them if they were only betrothed? Sean, please be very careful in assuming that every Christian does, believes, and lives as you described in your comment. Christians forget that the Jews eyes were blinded for a reason, and will be UNTIL THE FULFILLMENT OF THE GENTILES COME IN!! In Matthew 15:7-9, Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13, These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. I choose to follow Messiahs instructions as recorded in scripture and not what others assume Messiah taught. walking as Jesus walked that is judgement and doing the opposite of what he in no doubt preaches from the Pulpit. What I note is few defenders of Roman-based doctrines can do this, preferring instead to attack, demean, and fail to cite Scripture, or provide validly sourced definitions of original language, and reurgitate the same old errant doctrines. That eliminates most of the world Jesus said he came to save. The passage you quoted about Jesus only coming for the lost sheep of Israel is out of context. This is false beyond belief. Both had to add to or take away from scripture & we know that is not good. and God did so through manifesting Himself in Jesus. We are indwelled by the Spirit in order to follow God. The truth as presented by the whole word of God, Genesis-Revelation, the fallacy of needing to follow the law under the new covenant, and illogical hugeness of Gods grace. Its Jesus. Mary came on Sunday morning because the Sabbath had ended. 1. to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally It is the Holy Spirit who guides us, not ourselves. Same as us repent and start fresh the next time. Id encourage you to read that simultaneously with Gal. He also said the student is not greater than the teacher. Jealous because you accuse people like me of Judaizing the body of the Messiah for stating the exact same thing that Yeshua himself stated in Matthew 5:17-20. For shame! Its an exiting life being in. $4.99/15.99, Ten Parts In The King reveals details about the restoration of the Kingdom and provides a framework to understand Biblical prophecy as it was meant to be understood. mean that we are not to be under the law of God. Simply Test Everything even test yourself. Do the married couple ditch their promises after their marriage has taken place? Are in Jesus Christ Himself, for of HIS FULNESS I have received; GRACE UPON GRACE!!! Otherwise, you too will be cut off! Change). In fact if elsewhere on your blog you want to challenge every point made by the researcher Im about to post a link to I and others who believe following Gods instructions found in the Scriptures Jesus taught from, is still valid today for followers of Christ then I guess wed welcome the eye-opening experience. 36 Some time ago, there was a rebellion under Todah, who claimed to be somebody special; and a number of men, maybe four hundred, rallied behind him. Again, there is joy found in following the law of the Lord, His statutes, precepts, commands, and ordinances. Because the point is? I was saddened, because I really liked Seinfeld. Thats the only set of Scriptures Jesus and his disciples taught from or about. Most understanding and teaching about Jesuss parables are without proper historical and cultural and *idiomatic* context. synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body, faction Then other times they change their mind and say, oh we think its not like we thought it was at first; now, after searching more, we believe its like this. Without it, how can we know what sin is? 12 (11) Then all Israel will hear about it and be afraid, so that they will stop doing such wickedness as this among themselves. I understand your reluctance to read a book about Scripture written by a mere man, but I think God gave us wonderful minds to think and discern the truth and I cant find any errors in his logic. Walking in the Spirit means following the Torah. 2. to carry through to the end, to accomplish, carry out, (some undertaking) Some say its lawful to do ABC and some say its not a law, but a tradition. I speak Hebrew words which lifts me up in pride through my knowledge . In the immediate context this is the very subject matter. The Jews are correct in their rejection of Jesus and I challenge anyone to read Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Singer and show me how his scripturally based reasoning is flawed. The PURPOSE of which, is to DRAW those who have been set free by the Blood of the Lamb (the Lord Jesus Christ) BACK UNDER THE LAW, which we know indicates a FALLING FROM GRACE! This causes conflicts with a lot of denominational doctrines that is being taught today. Here is an excellent site which helped me in my understanding of this conflict.. http://www.logosapostolic.org/bible_study/RP208-1PaulObservedSabbathDay.htm#b1.33. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot (commandments) and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. I strongly recommend you rethink your positions. The works of Abraham was not only circumcision, but in fact, the whole Torah. The passion for truth comes across as anger and hostility. -Colossians 3:3-4. You obviously do not understand. 5:12) We are in Christs reign now.. and he has all power and authority in Heaven and Earth (Matthew 28). 3. to fulfil, i.e. Two different Covenants with Israel running in parallel. I have to disagree with you as well. I am not talking about religion, which I made explicitly clear in my response to you; yet you refer to the ministry of death and condemnation ( 2 Cor.3) like it has any input into my personal relationship with God. Leviticus 19:32, Wisdom is with theaged,And withlong lifecomesunderstanding. Antonio, can I copy what you said and report it on another site. The simple reality of the matter is: can you absolutely affirm which denomination/church/Christianity is the correct path to follow? I appreciate your thoughts and lack of name calling as is the habit of some who stop by this site. Yahweh is who He has always been and He loves obedience and hates when we deviate from loving and obeying Him according to His commands. yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified., I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. I have noticed that your teaching style involves citing this or that scholar who says something that you agree with. Are you Jewish? That means, unarguably, that the moon determines the weekly sabbath, not a manmade Roman calendar invented AFTER the life, death and resurrection of Yahushua. Some are Very subtle, but still present. These ENEMIES of ours are trying to transform themselves into JEWS ie: wannabee Jews and because they do not have the Spirit of Adoption, are unable to discern ANY of this spiritually, but carry on in the NATURAL. I recommend you read an article written by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website http://www.hebrew4christians.com. 2 He was with God in the beginning. Abraham certainly obeyed the Oral Torah we see this in Gen 26:5 as he obeyed all of Gods laws, ordinances, judgments,Torah. (LogOut/ As you say, to those who walk in freedom from sin, sin is undesirable. It is one thing to disagree and debate, iron sharpens iron, but such contempt? 32 For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all. I will check out Dr Michael Brown. I finally decided, to stop looking outside of Scripture for answers & just ask God what He means. WebThere he served as Bishop Jamisons adjutant and later accepted the call of God on his life. ), The fact of the matter is that in Jesus, YHWH raised the bar; He magnified His Word / instructions for His people (even Jesus said that to lust after another is committing adultery in ones heart; see also Isaiah 42:21.). WebIf your seriously having issues wanting to obey YHWY, I doubt your problems are with 119 ministries. And that is a big reason why there is so many people who Im sorry to say? I will follow the Words and example of my Messiah who died for me and HE said to trust Moses. Ironically, many Christians would be quite surprised to find out that Yeshuas half brother, Yaakov (James in English), continued to observe the Torah even after our Lords resurrection. My stepping to defend 119 comes from my personal experience in bringing issues with certain teachings and they have gracefully and humbly changed position even publicly. Because it would be quickly discerned to be a blatant lie! These are all things found in Torah that show us how to practically love our neighbor. I will respond in kind, for now i will preface my response with a short rebuttal. I been following 119 ministries for a 7 + month now first i was skeptical on the explanation of the thora but it makes sense and testing everything according to the bible. The qualifications for Messiah are found in the first Testament btw. Read the early church fathers, read the didache. Thats the problem. The three are most certainly related!! This means we obey. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Israel, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness; 26 and that it is in this way that all Israel will be saved. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. the Body of the Messiah by offering free, testable, easily sharable, quality teachings for you and your house. So in other words, they were given FOREVER to ALL who believe in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The rules that built the infrastructure absolutely still apply in fact it is what is holding everything together, provide for shelter and protection. Yeshua is the only to have ever fulfilled most messianic prophecies, and there are some that will be fulfilled on His second coming. As an example, you said, I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. Yet you later say, I follow Yahusha. (a.k.a. There are some for whom it probably will be. Galatians 5:22-26. Not only do they reduce the idea of love and grace essential to Christian theology, they actually deny the idea the newness of the revelation of God in Christ. Nice, thanks. New covenant, same law. What Jesus chastised the Pharisees about doing was ADDING man made traditions that were elevated to be on par with Gods Instructions. This whole discussion plus all the supporting arguments and followers of the likes of trustinJC are nothing more that another part of the HUGE end times deception. In a paragraph from his On the Jews and Their Lies he deplores Christendoms failure to expel them. The Fall feasts and the other prophesies have not happened yet. The Law was given to reveal sin. This argument has nothing really to do with (Shamar) keeping the Sabbath. (paraphrased). Another point debunked. P.S. It wasnt until the last apostle John died that all these hereitical doctrines became mainstream. After all, Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8), and YHVH knows my heart! -Matthew 5:20, So, no, they will not unless they are surpassing the righteousness of the most law abiding of them all: The Pharisees; not only that, but Jesus then said they had to go beyond what was written in the Mosaic lawlove your enemy, anger toward your brother=murder, a look with lust=adultery, etc.
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